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北大方正的名字,长久以来与一大串闪亮的字眼相联系:“高科技的样板”、“知识经济的化身”,等等,不一而足。在人们的印象中,方正一直是一个技术与经营完美结合的典范。 然而,就在外界的一片叫好声中,方正猝不及防地跌入了波谷。去年11月份,一直顺风顺水的方正发现,十几年的好光景之后,自己的日子突然变得艰难起来。方正的业务主体方正(香港)有限公司经营出现1亿多的巨额亏损。方正集团2.4亿的利税总额比1997年下降了1个亿。 方正的市场沉浮如此剧烈,不能不令人感到突兀和震惊。方正的现象是孤立的吗?答案是否定的。它所展示的是一种普遍存在但尚未被人们广泛认知的现象:一个靠先进技术起家的企业,在日后的发展中,如何在“技术与管理”之间寻求一种平衡?技术与管理犹如企业的汉翼,在创业阶段,有时只靠领先的一翼就可以一飞冲天,但进入守成阶段,如果弱短的另一翼一直不能充分展开、企业就很难进入持续平稳发展的“平流层”。更加危险的是,领先的一翼往往会掩盖另一翼的弱短,使企业丧失警惕,在不知不觉中突然陷入困境。 “平衡”的难题,困扰着诸多高科技企业。即便是如微软这样“飞行”速度令人眩目的大公司,也在不断地调整着它的“两翼”。今年5月,微软在擅长经营的首席执行官巴尔默的主持下,开始一次全? Founder Founder's name has long been associated with a long list of shining words: “high-tech model”, “incarnation of a knowledge-based economy,” and so forth. In the people's impression, Founder has always been a perfect combination of technology and management model. However, in a loud applause from the outside world, Founder caught off guard fell into the trough. In November last year, Founder has been smooth sailing found that after a dozen years of good conditions, their own days suddenly become difficult together. Founder's main business Founder (Hong Kong) Limited operating more than 100 million huge losses. Founder Group 240 million total profits and taxes decreased by 100 million over 1997. Founder ups and downs of the market so violent, can not but make people feel abrupt and shocking. Founder of the phenomenon is isolated? The answer is no. What it shows is a ubiquitous phenomenon that has not yet been widely recognized by people: how can a company that has started its advanced technology seek a balance between technology and management in its future development? Technology and Management As the business wing, in the entrepreneurial stage, sometimes only rely on the leading wing can fly, but into the defensive stage, if the other side has been weak enough has not been fully developed, it is difficult for enterprises to enter the steady development of the stratosphere “. Even more dangerous is the fact that the leading wing tends to mask the weakness of the other, so that the enterprise loses its vigilance and suddenly falls into trouble unknowingly. ”Balanced“ problem plagued many high-tech enterprises. Even big companies such as Microsoft, which dazzle themselves with ”flying“ speed, are constantly adjusting their ”wings." In May of this year, under the auspices of Microsoft CEO Barmer, a full time start-up?
我院马列教研室讲师贺三喜和宝鸡师范学院两同志利用工作之余,收集大量资料,编著了《成语典故中的哲理》一书。这部书收集成语近三百余条,约二十七万字。读者不仅可从 He Sa
今年“五一”节,我终于观察到了蚕儿蜕皮的全过程。 5月3日早上8点,我发现蚕儿已经一动不动地躺在盒子里了。这一天,我哪儿也没去,守在家里观察蚕儿的变化。蚕儿一直静静地
Exposure to hypoxia causes damage in several physiological systems, whose tissues are dependent on the O2 supply. Recently, there has been growing attention on
我的青春期是从什么时候开始的?  大概从杨逸远正式离开我和妈妈那一天算起吧。杨逸远是我的父亲,但我对他全部的情感,只有一个字可以形容,一个源于血缘和基因、植在血与骨头里的字——恨。杨逸远在我读小学时与他的初恋情人重逢,从此他就没有在夜里回过这个家了。  高考后,我以高出分数线20多分的成绩考入杨逸远的母校。大学期间,我申请了助学贷款,努力学习争取奖学金,课余还打了两份工,我的状态只能用“拼命”一词