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本刊在1993年第12期的“问题研究”专栏内曾刊出了由王惠玲、康剑雄同志撰写的《上海城市居民家庭收入及分配状况探析》(以下文中简称《收入探析》)一文,运用基尼值等方法对上海市500户居民家庭抽样调查资料进行分析,得出结论:本市居民家庭收入分配的差异程度未随收入提高而扩大,而是呈稳定偏收敛状态。本刊这期特刊出张淼同志写来的与王惠玲、康剑雄同志的商榷文章,她通过运用最近几年的资料分析,认为《收入探析》一文所运用的资料以及使用的分析方法都存在一定的局限性,因而对得出的结论有截然不同的看法,认为上海城市居民的收入差距随收入的提高不是缩小了,而是拉大了。为此,我们欢迎有不同看法的同仁来稿参与讨论。 The article published in the “Problem Research” column of the 12th issue of 1993 published an article entitled “Analysis of Income and Distribution of Urban Families in Shanghai” (hereinafter referred to as “Income Analysis”) by Comrade Wang Huiling and Kang Jianxiong, Value and other methods to analyze the sample survey data of 500 households in Shanghai and concluded that the degree of difference in household income distribution did not increase with the increase of income but was stable and partial convergence. In this issue of this issue, Comrade Zhang Miao wrote a deliberation article with Comrade Wang Huiling and Comrade Kang Jianxiong. Through the analysis of the data in recent years, she believes that there is a certain amount of information used in the article “income analysis” and the analytical methods used Limitations, and therefore have a very different conclusion on the conclusion that the income gap in Shanghai urban residents with income growth is not reduced, but widened. For this reason, we welcome colleagues who have different opinions to contribute draft articles for discussion.
AIM:To combine pressure and flow parameter, pressure drop coefficient(CDP) will result in better clinical outcomes in comparison to the fractional flow reserve(
<正> “华沙学派”曾是当代西方哲学中颇有影响的学派之一。如果说在一般哲学理论上它与“维也纳学派”、“马堡学派”、“牛津学派”等仅仅能平分秋色,那么它在当代分析哲学领域可与维也纳学派“两分天下”,而在逻辑语义学“王国”内可要独占鳌头了。“华沙学派”形成于上世纪末本世纪初叶。其前身为原波兰境内利沃夫大学的哲学协会;历经“利沃夫学派”或“特瓦尔多夫
A 60-year-old male patient presented with jaundice and dark urine for three days, icteric sclerae and skin rash on his legs for six months. Laboratory investiga