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东陵盗案发生后的1928年8月,溥仪派载泽、耆龄等人进行善后处理。他们在清理裕陵地宫时,发现了一具完整的女尸。参与清理重殓的清室遗臣在东陵期间所写的日记中,都曾提到此事。据这些宗室遗臣判断,此具女尸就是嘉庆皇帝的生母孝仪皇后,卒年49岁。裕陵地宫中的6位墓主人,有比她先入葬的,也有比她晚入葬的;有比她年龄小的,也有比她岁数大的。为什么其他5人都成了一堆乱骨,惟独她却尸体完整,没有腐烂,面目如生?清朝是中国最后一个封建王朝,共修建了十二座皇帝陵、七座皇后陵、十座妃园寝。位于河北省遵化市马兰峪西部的“清东陵”是清朝三大皇家陵园中规模最大的,现已成为世界文化遗产。然而令人痛心的是,从清王朝灭亡到中华人民共和国成立的三十八年间,清东陵曾先后遭到三次大规模的盗劫,变得伤痕累累,满目疮痍,损失相当惨重。有关清皇陵有着许许多多的传说。以下是乾隆皇帝裕陵在发掘过程中一些至今难解的谜。 Dongling robbery in August 1928 after the incident, Pu Yi sent Ze, Age and others for aftermath. When they cleared the Yu Ling underground palace, they found a complete female body. In the diary written during the Dongling period, all those who participated in the clean-up of Qing relics mentioned the matter. According to the judgment of these chambers, the female judge is the emperor of Jiqing Emperor’s filial piety, died at the age of 49. There were six tomb owners in the underground palace of Yu Ling, buried earlier than her, and buried later than her; younger than her age and also older than her age. Why did the other five people become a bunch of chaos, but she was the body intact, no decay, his face as a living? The Qing Dynasty is China’s last feudal dynasty, built a total of twelve emperors, seven mausoleums, ten princess Garden sleep. The Eastern Qing Tombs, located in the west of Malan Valley in Zunhua City, Hebei Province, was the largest of the three royal mausoleums in the Qing Dynasty and has become a world cultural heritage. Sadly, however, during the 38 years since the demise of the Qing Dynasty to the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Eastern Qing Tombs have been subjected to three large-scale robberies in succession. They have become so scarred and devastated that they have suffered considerable losses. There are so many legends about Qing imperial tombs. The following is the Qianlong Emperor Yuling in the excavation process some mystery so far.
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目前在用的工业锅炉排烟损失大,效率低,应加强对过量空气系数的检测控制。为了改善锅炉的燃烧状况,建议推广正转链条炉分层给煤装置。 At present, industrial boiler exhaust