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目的了解和比较我国监测技术机构食品中农药残留检测水平,找出影响分析质量的主要因素,为提高食品安全风险监测数据质量提供参考依据。方法对2009年和2011年全国食品中农药残留质控考核结果进行比对分析。结果 2011年考核结果的提交率远高于2009年,分别为100%和83.6%。在定性合格率和定量满意率中,虽仍存在个别考核项目定性合格率和定量满意率略低的现象,但针对相同考核项目,2011年的定性合格率和定量满意率均高于2009年。如毒死蜱的定性合格率分别为99.4%和96.8%;三唑磷的定性合格率分别为100%和97.1%;毒死蜱的定量满意率分别为93.8%和90.2%;三唑磷的定量满意率分别为91.9%和87.2%。结论我国食品安全风险监测技术机构总体农残检测水平能够满足监测工作的要求,且呈现逐年提高趋势,但个别监测技术机构仍需提高检测能力。 Objective To understand and compare the detection level of pesticide residues in foodstuffs of foodstuffs in monitoring institutes in China and to find out the main factors that influence the quality of analysis and provide reference for improving the quality of food safety risk monitoring data. Methods The comparative analysis of quality control of pesticide residues in food in China in 2009 and in 2011 was conducted. Results The submission rate of examination results in 2011 was much higher than in 2009, with 100% and 83.6% respectively. Qualitative pass rate and quantitative satisfaction rate, although there is still a single qualitative assessment of qualified items and quantitative satisfaction rate slightly lower phenomenon, but for the same assessment items, the qualitative qualification rate in 2011 and the quantitative satisfaction rate are higher than in 2009. Such as chlorpyrifos qualified pass rate of 99.4% and 96.8% respectively; the qualified pass rates of triazophos were 100% and 97.1% respectively; the quantitative satisfaction rates of chlorpyrifos were 93.8% and 90.2% respectively; the satisfaction rates of triazophos were respectively 91.9% and 87.2%. Conclusion The overall level of pesticide residues detection in food safety risk monitoring technology institutions in China can meet the requirements of monitoring work and show a trend of increasing year by year. However, individual monitoring technical institutions still need to improve their detection capability.
系统评价者 :EverardML ,BaraA ,KurianM本篇评价最后一次修改于 1998年5月 2 8日。如有必要 ,Cochrane评价要定期审查和更新。背景 :哮喘在婴幼儿期常见 ,大多数婴幼儿哮喘发作由呼吸道病毒感染所促发。对
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