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今年3月27日和28日,意大利举行了战后以来的第12届议会选举。选举结果表明意大利力量党主席贝卢斯科尼领导的右翼“自由联盟”获胜,在参、众两院的315个席位和630个席位中自由联盟分别赢得155席的相对多数和366席的绝对多数。而以左翼民主党领导的左冀进步联盟获122席和213席,由人民党同公约党结盟的中间派联盟则仅得31席和46席。根据新选举法规定只有获得议会过半数议席的政党或联盟才有资格组阁。因此,自由联盟有权在新议会成立后组建新政府,5月11日贝卢斯科尼授命组建战后第53届政府,宣誓就职,出任新总理。意大利舆论认为这次大选结果与贝卢斯科尼组成新政府是一次“改朝换代”,“具有划时代的重要现实意义和深远的历史意义”。它彻底结束了战后近半个世纪以来始终由天民党主宰意政坛的历史,标志着意大利战后“第一共和国”的结束和“第二共和国”的开始。但这届新政府政党背景复杂,内外矛盾重重,国内外多方对其疑虑甚多,它何去何从,能否较 On March 27 and 28 this year, Italy held the 12th parliamentary election since the war. The result of the election shows that the right-wing “free coalition” led by Italian Power Chairman Berlusconi has won a free majority of 155 seats and an absolute majority of 366 seats in 315 Senate and House seats and 630 seats respectively. While the left-wing progressive coalition headed by the left-wing Democratic Party won 122 and 213 seats, while the centrist alliance formed by the People’s Party and the party of the party won only 31 seats and 46 seats. Under the new electoral law, only political parties or alliances that have obtained a majority of seats in Parliament are eligible to form a cabinet. Therefore, the Free Alliance has the right to form a new government after the establishment of the new parliament. On May 11, Berlusconi gave the mandate to form the 53rd government after the war and was sworn in as the new prime minister. Italian public opinion holds that the result of the election and the formation of a new government by Berlusconi are a “change of dynasty” and “have epoch-making significance of great significance and have far-reaching historical significance.” It completely ended the history of the domination of the political arena dominated by the Democratic Liberation Tigers nearly half a century after the war, marking the end of Italy’s “post-war” “First Republic” and the beginning of “the Second Republic.” However, this new-generation government party has a complicated background with many contradictions both inside and outside. Many parties at home and abroad have many doubts about it. Where is it going to be?
科学、合理的营养膳食对幼儿的生长发育具有重要的作用。为了保证幼儿摄入全面、均衡的营养,纠正幼儿挑食、偏食的不良习惯,提升幼儿家长对幼儿园膳食的满意度,我园保健教师和营养员自发成立了营养课题小组,开展专项实践研究,在菜肴的色、香、味和多样化上动脑筋,使烹制的菜肴能够引起幼儿的食欲,满足幼儿生长发育的需要。    一、利用资源    我园营养课题小组成员除了保健教师和营养员外,也吸纳带班教师、保育员和