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1病例资料患儿女,8h,因“面色青紫、气促8h”于2012-04-25入院。系G1P1,孕41+1周顺产娩出,出生体重2600g,无窒息产伤史。生后不久出现面色青紫、哭闹时明显,伴气促予吸氧不能改善,无呼吸费力,无不规则呼吸,无抽搐尖叫。否认遗传性疾病家族史,否认有害物质接触史,否认家族中早期夭折史,未定期产检。查体:体温不升,心率121次/min,呼吸频率66次/min,血压66/42mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa), 1 case data Children, 8h, due to “looking bruising, shortness of breath 8h ” in 2012-04-25 admission. Department of G1P1, pregnant 41 + 1 week delivery, birth weight 2600g, no history of asphyxia birth trauma. Shortly after birth, he appeared bruised and purple, obviously when crying, with oxygen to promote oxygen can not be improved, no breathing, no irregular breathing, no convulsions and screaming. Denied the family history of hereditary diseases, denied the exposure of harmful substances, denied the family history of early death, did not regularly produce. Physical examination: body temperature does not rise, heart rate 121 beats / min, respiratory rate 66 beats / min, blood pressure 66/42 mmHg (1mmHg = 0.133kPa)
In order to investigate the effect of space environmental factors on spacecraft materials, a ground-based simulation facility for space atomic oxygen(AO) irradi
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针对儿童孤独症治疗原则之一,也就是家庭参与,让父母也成为治疗的合作者或参与者的实验研究进行深入探讨,以期为儿童孤独症的治疗提供有益的基础数据。 One of the principl
伴随着全国旅游业的持续、稳定、快速发展,各地旅游企业现代企业制度建设也取得了新的进展。 With the sustained, stable and rapid development of the tourism industry