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医字第0349号1960年3月29日当前正值蚊蝇即将大量孳生,疾病极易流行的季节。中央和省委发出伟大号召,要求各地抓紧当前有利时机;大张旗鼓,大除四害,大讲卫生。因此,一个全党全民性的“除掉老鼠、臭虫、苍蝇、蚊子”的春季爱国卫生运动,已在全省各地轰轰烈烈的开展起来了。今年的春季卫生运动,比历年的卫生运动更加深入,更加高涨。除四害、讲卫生、消灭疾病具有重大意义。它有利于人民身体康强,因而有利于生产,有利于工作,有利于学习,有利于国家繁荣昌盛,是利国利民,移风易俗,改造世界的一桩大事情。因此必须发动广大群众参加到卫生运动新的高潮中来,无论是老人、 Doc No. 0349 March 29, 1960 The current season is when mosquitoes are about to bloom in large numbers and diseases are extremely prevalent. The Central Committee and the provincial government issued a great call for all localities to seize the current favorable opportunity. They held high their spearheads, eliminated the four evils and talked about hygiene. Therefore, a patriotic “health patriotic” campaign to eradicate rats, bed bugs, flies and mosquitoes has been vigorously carried out throughout the province. This year’s health campaign in spring is more in-depth and higher than the health campaigns over the years. In addition to four pests, health, eliminate disease is of great significance. It is conducive to the people’s health and strength, which is conducive to production, is conducive to work, is conducive to learning, is conducive to the prosperity of the country, is the benefit of the country and the people, customs, world transformation a major event. Therefore, we must mobilize the masses to participate in a new upsurge in the health movement. Whether it is for the elderly,
(二) 四至六个月的练习内容 1.由坐到站立的练习目的:锻炼下肢肌肉力量做法:婴儿坐在母亲的腹上,母亲托扶住婴儿的腋下,慢慢地扶起婴儿成站立的姿势。由于婴儿的体重在双脚
交通部一航院设计的秦皇岛港煤码头三期工程于1991年荣获全国第五届优秀工程设计金质奖。自1989年该工程竣工投产后,秦皇岛港已跃居世界大型现代化煤炭出口港的前列。 Qinh