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在所有的视觉艺术中,建筑不仅生动地反映出社会的审美和愿望,还体现了它们所处时代的精神。现存的一栋栋建筑或那些建筑史料,从中都可具体体现建筑创作的动机与目的。18世纪末之前,英国人已经成为孟加拉的主要殖民力量并且统治政权根深蒂固,社会、文化、城镇体系被彻底整理。孟加拉的殖民主义纠葛成为无法改变的历史事实,而那些有关建筑艺术的启示和范本都来源于英国和欧洲。欧洲殖民统治时期,孟加拉三角洲地区暴雨连绵洪水泛滥,在欧洲建筑理念影响下,孟加拉的建筑形式特征产生了变化。这种东西方融合的建筑风格,是英国殖民建筑为适应孟加拉本土气候与文化背景而不断变化的出色代表。本文以孟加拉殖民时期的建筑为研究对象,论述了其建筑语汇从欧洲到本土建筑的逐渐转变。最后一段讨论的是孟加拉湾殖民者将本土建筑朝全球化的居住模式转变的过程。所以可以说,建筑艺术的影响是双向的,一个方向是从欧洲到孟加拉,另一个方向是从孟加拉到欧洲和西方世界。 In all visual arts, architecture not only vividly reflects the aesthetic and aspirations of society, but also embodies the spirit of the times in which they are located. Existing buildings or buildings that one of the historical building, which can be embodied in architectural motivation and purpose. Before the end of the 18th century, the British had become the main colonial powers in Bangladesh and the ruling regime was deeply rooted. The social, cultural and urban systems were thoroughly sorted out. The colonial dispute in Bangladesh has become an undeniable historical fact, and all the revelations and examples of architectural art come from Britain and Europe. During the period of European colonial rule, heavy rains in the Delta of Bangladesh flooded. Under the influence of the European architectural concept, the architectural form of Bangladesh changed. This fusion of East and West architectural style, British colonial architecture to adapt to local climate and cultural background of the constantly changing and outstanding representative. This article takes the colonial architecture of Bangladesh as the research object and discusses the gradual change of its construction language from Europe to local architecture. The last paragraph deals with the process by which the colonial settlers in the Bay of Bengal have transformed their native architecture into a living model of globalization. So we can say that the influence of architectural art is two-way, one direction is from Europe to Bangladesh, the other direction is from Bangladesh to Europe and the western world.
9月22日 睛  大青河——一个村庄的名字,你们肯定认为这是个如诗如画的仙境。没错!那是以前,可惜现在这已成为一个遥远的故事……  “我家连吃的水都没有,你却挑水浇菜地,真没德!”一位大叔愤怒地说。另一位大叔二话没说气冲冲地拿扁担砸了过去。排队挑水的村民凑了过来看热闹!这一幕真是让人揪心。  今年暑假我回村里和爷爷奶奶一块生活。每天,天刚露出鱼肚白,就能听到拉水的三轮车“嘟嘟”地响个不停。听说我们
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