Illustrations of verification for seismic properties of masonry structures in primary and secondary

来源 :Global Geology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songyong
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After Wenchuan earthquake,Code for verification of Seismic Protection of Building is revised and the seismic verification for the buildings of primary and secondary schools is upgraded from Class C to Class B. With this background,nearly one hundred buildings of primary and secondary schools in Jilin Province have been reevaluated by the earthquake-resistant standards and a set of simplified earthquake-resistant evaluation methods based on relevant technical standards and regulations were summarized and presented here. These methods can serve as an important reference for future earthquake-resistant evaluation for primary and secondary school buildings as well as a convenient guide for the relevant construction and modification works. After Wenchuan earthquake, Code for verification of Seismic Protection of Building is revised and the seismic verification for the buildings of primary and secondary schools is upgraded from Class C to Class B. With this background, nearly one hundred buildings of primary and secondary schools in Jilin Province have been reevaluated by the earthquake-resistant standards and a set of simplified earthquake-resistant evaluation methods based on relevant technical standards and regulations were summarized and presented here. These methods can serve as an important reference for future earthquake-resistant evaluation for primary and secondary school buildings as well as a convenient guide for the relevant construction and modification works.
10月20日 晴
研华新推针对任务关键型应用的两款CompactP- CI(?)机箱——MIC-3001HR,MIC-3001CR 研华最新推出两款专门针对任务关键型应用的 CompactPCI(?)机箱MIC-3001HR和MIC-3001CR。
9月22日 睛  大青河——一个村庄的名字,你们肯定认为这是个如诗如画的仙境。没错!那是以前,可惜现在这已成为一个遥远的故事……  “我家连吃的水都没有,你却挑水浇菜地,真没德!”一位大叔愤怒地说。另一位大叔二话没说气冲冲地拿扁担砸了过去。排队挑水的村民凑了过来看热闹!这一幕真是让人揪心。  今年暑假我回村里和爷爷奶奶一块生活。每天,天刚露出鱼肚白,就能听到拉水的三轮车“嘟嘟”地响个不停。听说我们
9月8日 睛  “崇尚文明,自觉节能”的活动开始了。班里的同学们个个跃跃欲试,争做“节能小卫士”!说到节能每个人都能举出好多例子,可真正做到的又有几个呢? 今天,妈妈洗过衣服起身想把一大盆水倒掉。我急忙说:妈妈别着急,让我用这些水帮你擦擦地板吧!我将墩布泡进去,洗了洗,然后把所有的房间都擦了一遍!妈妈夸我擦得地板比她擦得还要干净!  望着干净的地板,我给妈妈讲起了大道理:以后呀,要注意一水多用,洗