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目前,美国有八万病人靠长期透析维持生命,而这个数字只是急慢性肾功能损伤人群的一小部分。急慢性肾衰患者的出血倾向增高已被公认,这种并发症的临床重要性在于它仍然是导致尿毒症发病及死亡的主要因素。出血最常见的临床表现为粘膜出血,特别是胃肠道出血,其它还有瘀斑、彝衄、出血性心包炎和硬脑膜下血肿。消化道出血约为急性肾衰病人的30%—40%,据一较大范围的调查,其死亡人数为整个死亡人数的30%。慢性肾衰的出血并发症比急性肾衰更多。未经透析的病人为60%,透析的病人达70%。鉴于急慢性肾衰并发出血惊人之多,本文将对尿毒症出血治疗方法进行简单的评论。虽然已经描述了几种基本凝血失常,但对主要凝血缺限仍未阐明,这包括血小板因子Ⅲ增殖不全、血 At present, there are 80,000 patients in the United States who rely on long-term dialysis to maintain their lives, and this figure is only a small part of the acute and chronic renal impairment group. The increased bleeding tendencies in patients with acute and chronic renal failure have been well recognized, and the clinical importance of this complication is that it is still the major cause of the onset and death of uremia. Bleeding the most common clinical manifestations of mucosal bleeding, especially gastrointestinal bleeding, there are other petechiae, Yi Yi, hemorrhagic pericarditis and subdural hematoma. Gastrointestinal bleeding is about 30% -40% of patients with acute renal failure, according to a larger survey, the death toll was 30% of the entire death toll. Chronic renal failure bleeding complications than acute renal failure more. 60% of patients without dialysis, dialysis patients up to 70%. In view of the alarming number of acute and chronic renal failure complicated by bleeding, this article will be a simple comment on the treatment of uremic bleeding. Although several basic coagulation disorders have been described, the major coagulation limitations have not been elucidated, and this includes platelet factor III hyperplasia, blood
1998年12月至1999年3月邱家集团养鱼场自本公司育苗场搬回全长 2. 0~3. 0 cm的牙鲆鱼苗暂养,有部分池子的鱼苗发生本病,病鱼大量浮于水面,不能正常游泳,造成死亡极多的严重后果。现将有关详细情况介绍
精索静脉曲张的标准手术方法是精索内静脉的高位结扎,但有时可复发及发生并发症,且20~50%病人手术后精液质量未改善。1970年 Ishiga-mi 倡议将已经结扎的精索内静脉远端与隐
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南美白对虾(Penaeus vannamei)曾译名为凡纳对虾、万氏对虾,原产厄瓜多尔沿岸,由于其步足呈白垩色,又称白脚对虾,属广盐广温性热带虾类,是海虾淡养的优良品种。由于该虾具有肉质好、生长快、抗病力
一、病毒病 1.诊断 主要危害 10厘米以下的鱼苗,表现为腹部膨大,眼球突出,肠道内有淡黄色粘液。 2.治疗 服抗病毒药物。 二、水霉病 1.诊断 鱼体受伤处附生绵絮状的附着物,鱼
特级教师胡吉章对语文高考中客观题的弊端提出了引人深思的意见。本刊拟展开讨论,欢迎来稿。 The special-grade teacher Hu Jizhang put forward thought-provoking opinio