经济全球化与21世纪的 价值取向

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经济全球化是不可阻挡的历史必然,也是人类的一大进步。但是,当今全球化趋势又是在资本主义占主导地位的情况下发生的,因之很难摆脱资本主义体系固有的内在矛盾和弊端,如造成国际金融领域无政府状态和财富分配不公。它的负面影响对于发展中国家更是一个巨大的威胁。西方大垄断资本正通过直接投资、国际信贷、国际贸易、技术转让等各种途径,对发展中国家进行剥削和支配,在国际范围内进行不利于发展中国家的收入再分配。这种情形使发展中国家的经济发展时时处于威胁之中。在全球化进程中,资本主义在创造巨大物质财富的同时,也进一步加剧了贫富两 Economic globalization is an irresistible historical necessity and also a great progress of mankind. However, the current trend of globalization takes place again under the prevailing dominance of capitalism. It is therefore very difficult to get rid of the inherent contradictions and flaws inherent in the capitalist system, such as creating anarchy in the international financial field and unfair distribution of wealth. Its negative impact is even more a huge threat to developing countries. Western monopoly capital is exploiting and controlling developing countries through various channels such as direct investment, international credit, international trade and technology transfer, and redistribution of income is detrimental to developing countries at the international level. Such a situation threatens the developing countries’ economic development from time to time. In the process of globalization, capitalism, while creating enormous material wealth, has further exacerbated the problem of the rich and the poor
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本刊1991年第11期曾发表“内齿轮插齿刀齿顶圆弧的确定”一文。本文提出了一种更精确设计插齿刀齿顶圆弧半径的方法,供参考。 The magazine No. 11 of 1991 has published
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