
来源 :农药市场信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:javashhai2
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本刊讯湖北是农业大省,也是农药销售使用大省。为了进一步调整优化全省农药品种结构,规范农药经销市场,确保农产品质量安全,经省民政厅批准,“湖北省农药协会”目前正在积极筹建。据悉,协会筹备组日前已发出邀请函,本着入会自愿的原则,邀请各相关农药科研、生产、经销企业(公司、个人)加入协会,共同促进全省农药产业的健康发展。并要求各地、市、州、县农药管理单位,要配合协会筹备组,严格按照入会 Journal of Hubei is a major agricultural province, but also a large province in the sale of pesticides. In order to further adjust and optimize the structure of the province’s pesticide varieties, regulate pesticide distribution market and ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products, approved by the Provincial Civil Affairs Department, “Hubei Provincial Pesticide Association ” is currently actively planning the establishment. It is reported that the preparatory group of the association has issued an invitation a few days ago and has invited relevant scientific research, production and distribution companies (companies and individuals) of related pesticides to join the association in line with the principle of joining the society voluntarily to jointly promote the healthy development of the pesticide industry in the province. And require all localities, municipalities, prefectures and counties pesticide management units, to cooperate with the preparatory team, in strict accordance with the membership
A novel zeolite-like metal-organic framework,[Cd12(trz)12·F10·(SiF6)3]·(H3O)4(Htrz=1,2,4-triazole),has been synthesized under solvothermal conditions using 1
衣原体是感染性输卵管损害最常见的病原体。感染衣原体后可发生输卵管积水,后者与体外受精(IVF)后胚胎植人率的显著下 Chlamydia is the most common pathogen of infectio
上下数千年,龙已渗透了中国社会的各个方面,成为一种文化的凝聚和积淀。作为龙文化的具体体现,我们为读者列举了文化底蕴深厚、旅游资源较为丰富的十大龙城。 Up and down f
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