Determination of a novel ACE inhibitor in the presence of alkaline and oxidative degradation product

来源 :药物分析学报(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:larry_john
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Simple, accurate, sensitive and validated UV spectrophotometric and chemometric methods were developed for the determination of imidapril hydrochloride (IMD) in the presence of both its alkaline (AKN) and oxidative (OXI) degradation products and in its pharmaceutical formulation. Method A is the fourth derivative spectra (D4) which allows the determination of IMD in the presence of both AKN and OXD, in pure form and in tablets by measuring the peak amplitude at 243.0 nm. Methods B, C and D, manipulating ratio spectra, were also developed. Method B is the double divisor-ratio difference spectrophotometric one (DD-RD) by computing the difference between the amplitudes of IMD ratio spectra at 232 and 256.3 nm. Method C is the double divisor-first derivative of ratio spectra method (DD-DR1) at 243.2 nm, while method D is the mean centering of ratio spectra (MCR) at 288.0 nm. Methods A, B, C and D could successfully determine IMD in a concentration range of 4.0-32.0 mg/mL. Methods E and F are principal component regression (PCR) and partial least-squares (PLS), respectively, for the simultaneous determination of IMD in the presence of both AKN and OXI, in pure form and in its tablets. The developed methods have the advantage of simultaneous determination of the cited components without any pre-treatment. The accuracy, precision and linearity ranges of the developed methods were determined. The results obtained were statistically compared with those of a reported HPLC method, and there was no significant difference between the proposed methods and the reported method regarding both accuracy and precision.
目的探讨降钙素原(PCT)和C反应蛋白(CRP)对经皮肾镜取石术(PCNL)术后发生脓毒症的早期诊断意义。方法选取PCNL术后患者198例,按术后是否发生脓毒症分为脓毒组(148例)和对照组(50例)。比较两组患者术前和术后6 h PCT和CRP,并绘制受试者工作特征曲线,计算曲线下面积(AUC)、最佳诊断界值、敏感度、特异度等。结果脓毒症组术后PCT和CRP明显高于对照组[(3.911±2.01
1例30岁男性患者因右手第一掌指关节腱鞘炎,局部注射复方倍他米松1 ml,用药后关节肿痛明显减轻。约24 h后患者出现持续性呃逆,严重影响进食及睡眠。出现呃逆当日先后肌内注射甲氧氯普胺及口服多潘立酮、奥美拉唑,但无明显效果,次日开始患者自服中药治疗。呃逆持续2 d后逐渐停止。
AIM: To study the therapeutic effect of interferon (IFN)and ribavirin with zinc supplement on patients with chronic hepatitis C viral (HCV) infection.METHODS: A