
来源 :思想理论教育导刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mhpymhpy
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从高职高专教育质量整体提升的视角思考思想政治理论课教学质量的提升,必须把握大学生与实习企业的需求,将思想政治理论课教学融入高素质、高技能人才培养的全过程,科学统筹、合理安排、系统开展顶岗实习期间大学生思想政治理论课教学。在明确动力机制的前提下,通过改进教学运作模式、建立适合的教学内容体系等举措,形成高职高专大学生顶岗实习期思想政治理论课教学的长效机制,充分发挥思想政治理论教育在高职高专人才培养中的作用。 From the perspective of the overall improvement of the quality of education in higher vocational colleges Thinking of the improvement of the teaching quality of the ideological and political theory courses, we must grasp the demand of undergraduates and internships, integrate the teaching of ideological and political theory into the whole process of cultivating highly qualified and highly skilled personnel, , Make reasonable arrangements and systematically carry out the teaching of ideological and political theory for undergraduates during internships. Under the premise of clear motivation mechanism, through the improvement of teaching mode of operation, the establishment of appropriate teaching content system and other measures to form a vocational college post-graduate ideological and political theory teaching long-term mechanism, give full play to ideological and political theory education in high The Role of Vocational College Talents Training.
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The complex [Cu2(apo)4Cl4]·2H_2O (apo=2-aminopyridine N-oxide) was obtained. A single- crystal X-ray study shows that the complex is a binuclear compound (Cu2C