
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liteary
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Purpose: To evaluate the indications for penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) and associated procedures in the Eye and ENT Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China, an eye center in East China and to compare our results with those from previous studies. Methods: We retrospectively studied the charts of cases who had received PKP in the hospital from 1994 to 2003. The recorded data covered age, sex, and preoperative clinical diagnoses of PKP, and surgical procedures in some cases. Results: A total of 229 cases received PKP during that period. The number of surgical cases increased dramatically in the last 3 years (2001-2003). The leading indication for PKP was corneal scar (55.9%), which included 44 (19.2%) cases of corneal scar after viral keratitis and 30 (13.1%) cases of corneal scar after chemical/thermal burn. Other indications, in order of decreasing frequency, were bullous keratopathy (12.2%), acute necrotizing/ulcerative keratitis (12.2%), regraft (10.5%), keratoconus (5.7%), and non-Fuchs’corneal dystrophies (3.8%). Combined procedures were performed on 22 cases. The most three common indications for PKP, corneal scar, bullous keratopathy, acute necrotizing/ulcerative keratitis, showed an increasing frequency in the period of the last 3 years. Conclusion: The leading indication for PKP was corneal scar, which differed from the conclusion offered by the developed areas in the world, where bullous keratopathy or keratoconus was the case. A similar result was also found in reports from India and Taiwan. Purpose: To evaluate the indications for penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) and associated procedures in the Eye and ENT Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China, an eye center in East China and to compare our results with those from previous studies. Methods : We retrospectively studied the charts of cases who had had PKP in the hospital from 1994 to 2003. The recorded data covered age, sex, and preoperative clinical diagnoses of PKP, and surgical procedures in some cases. Results: A total of 229 cases received The number of surgical cases increased dramatically in the last 3 years (2001-2003). The leading indication for PKP was corneal scar (55.9%), which included 44 (19.2%) cases of corneal scar after viral keratitis Other indications, in order of decreasing frequency, were bullous keratopathy (12.2%), acute necrotizing / ulcerative keratitis (12.2%), regraft (10.5%), ke The most three common indications for PKP, corneal scar, bullous keratopathy, acute necrotizing / ulcerative keratitis, showed an increasing frequency (5.7%), and non-Fuchs’corneal dystrophies in the period of the last 3 years. Conclusion: The leading indication for PKP was corneal scar, which differed from the ending offered in the developing areas in the world, where bullous keratopathy or keratoconus was the case. A similar result was also found in reports from India and Taiwan.
华山松(Pinus armandi)是我国中部及西南等地区的优良用材树种。其木材轻软致密,易加工,可供建筑、农家具、绘图板及胶合板等用。种仁可食,含油量约70%,可食用或工业用。树皮
本文简述在成功研制出国內首台应用焦平面技术的红外凝视式热象仪——IR-64N热象仪的基础上,采用机电部44所研制的128×128元硅化铂红外电荷耦合器件(PtSi IRCCD)、研制成功