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本刊1995年举办的有奖读刊答题活动,得到广大读者的积极响应,纷纷在规定的时间内寄来了答卷,这是对我们的极大支持和鼓舞。在这里,我们对所有答卷者表示衷心的感谢。 从答卷看,《航天》老读者答题特别踊跃,他们的六期答案质量都很高,这是我们感到欣慰的。不过,这也造成了数千名答卷者争一等奖的局面。相对来说,参加二~六等奖竞争的答卷却很少。为保持相对平衡和保证得奖答卷的一定质量,二~四等奖未取满30名,这是令人遗憾的。 The publication held in 1995, the award-winning journals answer activity, get the positive response of readers, one after another within the stipulated time sent the answer sheet, which is our great support and encouragement. Here, we express my heartfelt thanks to all the respondents. From the questionnaire, we are particularly gratified by the enthusiastic response of “spaceflight” readers and their high quality of the six-phase answers. We are very gratified. However, it also caused thousands of respondents to compete for the first prize. Relatively speaking, to participate in the second to sixth prize competition is very small answer. In order to maintain a certain balance of quality and to ensure the quality of the award-winning questionnaire, the second to fourth place prizes have not been filled to the full 30, which is regrettable.
The efficiency of QoS-aware service composition is important since most service composition problems are known to be NP-hard. With the growing number of web ser
△《当代博物馆丛书》 航空航天册108元,艺术册98元,天文册、地理册、动物册、水陆交通册、海洋册、社会历史册各78元,植物册67元,体育册60元。 △航天书刊 《中国空间事业
摘 要:情感在数学课堂中不仅能起到对课堂气氛的渲染和对学生心灵呼唤的作用,并且对于促进学生有效地、富有个性地、创造性地学习数学具有特别重要的意义。  关键词:情感数学课堂;激情;激励;构建  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2015)03-028-1  一、以“欲”激情,构建情感数学课堂  奥苏伯尔认为,驱使学生学习的内部原因表现为三种内驱力。一是认知内驱力,这
目的观察普罗布考对急性脑梗死患者血清超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)及高敏C反应蛋白(hsCRP)的影响。方法 52例急性脑梗死患者按随机数字表法分为常规治疗组25例和普罗布考组27例,常
Kainic acid can simulate excitatory amino acids in vitro.Neural stem cells,isolated from newborn Wistar rats,were cultured in vitro and exposed to 100-4 000 μM