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  I was feeling pretty low. It was the week before I was scheduled for gallbladder surgery (胆囊手术), and I couldn’t escape my worried 1 . The surgeon was highly 2 but was new to me—and he didn’t have the best bedside manner. My sister, an 3 operating-room director, who usually put my 4 at ease about my medical care, had moved away recently. This would be my first time 5 an operation without her right there by my side.
  I was on my own.“6 something goes wrong?”I tossed(翻来覆去) and turned all that night.
  The next day I 7 I had to get my mind out of everything. A good 8 will do the trick, I thought. I 9 to the bookcase in my guest bedroom to get something to 10 . Next to the bookcase 11 some novels I had 12 from a library sale over a year ago. Right on top I saw a best-selling mystery novel.
  I sat down in the bedroom, 13 the book and began to read. I couldn’t14 it—the book’s prologue(开场白)began with a woman awaiting surgery!She was also feeling 15 , struggling with knowing if she had 16<8u> the right hospital, the right doctor.
  “This is a team 17 ,” the doctor said to her.“We mustn’t 18 someone very important,” he continued,“the most important member of our team. Do you know who that is?”
  I read on, breathless.
  The doctor patted the woman’s hand gently and pointed to her.“ 19,” he told her.
  And I realized my life wasn’t only in the doctor’s hands; it was in mine as well. Immediately I felt more confident and 20 about the upcoming surgery.
  1. A. expressions B. spirits C. treatments D. thoughts
  2. A. declared B. suggested C. recommended D. persuaded
  3. A. active B. actual C. energetic D. experienced
  4. A. heart B. mind C. feeling D. sense
  5. A. doing B. making C. facing D. missing
  6. A. What if B. Only if C. How come D. Even if
  7. A. decided B. wondered C. agreed D. admitted
  8. A. book B. rest C. deal D. motto
  9. A. looked B. headed C. attached D. pointed
  10. A. achieve B. comfort C. entertain D. read
  11. A. was B. were C. lay D. placed
  12. A. taken up B. broken up C. picked up D. put up
  13. A. opened B. shut C. carried D. settled
  14. A. focus B. bear C. believe D. understand
  15. A. excited B. frightened C. worried D. confused
  16. A. caught B. chosen C. discovered D. ignored
  17. A. effort B. affair C. direction D. standard
  18. A. suspect B. remove C. prefer D. forget
  19. A. Myself B. Yourself C. The doctor D. Your sister
  20. A. careful B. curious C. hopeful D. sensitive
  1. D。作者要做手术,此时难以掩饰内心担忧的思绪,从下句也可看出。thoughts“思想,想法”。
  2. C。虽然给我做手术的医生是被鼎力推荐的,但对我来说还是陌生的。由语境看出应用recommend“推荐”。
  3. D。根据下文可知作者的姐姐总能让紧张的病人放松下来,因此应该是“有经验的”。
  4. B。put one’s mind at ease意思是“让某人放松下来”。
  5. C。这是作者第一次没有姐姐在身边时面对手术。做手术的是医生,作者是被做手术,面对一次手术。
  6. A。这次没有姐姐在身边,作者担心,“如果出现情况怎么办?”what if“如果……怎么办?”
  7. A。第二天我决定放下一切思想包袱。
  8. A。根据下文可知此处是指书,看书可以缓解紧张的心情。
  9. B。head to表示“朝……而去”。此处表示作者走向书架去拿书。
  10. D。由上句可知是拿点东西来看,此处something指上句中的书。
  11. B。此句为全倒装,根据主谓一致可知用were。正常语序是some novels were next to the bookcase。
  12. C。pick up此处表示“得到,购买到”。
  13. A。根据前后句动作的顺序可知是“我坐下来,打开书看了起来”。
  14. C。根据下句介绍可知,此书的开场白再现了作者的真实情况,所以作者简直难以相信。
  15. C。本文开头就介绍作者面临手术时的担心,而此书中的女人公也是如此worried“忧虑的”。
  16. B。她们担心的是,她们是否选对了医院和医生。
  17. A。根据下文可知,这是共同努力的团队协作,解决她们问题的关键还在于她们自己。effort“努力”。
  18. D。我们不能忘记其中重要的一个人物。
  19. B。根据前句pointed to her和下句I realized my life wasn’t only in the doctor’s hands; it was in mine as well可知此处指作者自己。
  20. C。作者看到书中的情节得到启发,再根据前面一词confident也知作者对即将进行的手术感到更加的自信和充满希望。
1.前言工业部门中的最新发展对湿度测量仪器提出了越来越高的要求。人们需要一种可直接或间接溯源量值到 NBS 的便携式传递标准器。露点测量法是湿度测量的基本方法,因为冷
图1所示锥体锥度的测量,由于其外形尺寸很小,斜角公差反映到可测长度l=4mm上半径差仅为±0.39μm,用常用仪器已无能为力。笔者组装一种简易测量装置,获得满意效果。 一、装置
闹钟只知为别人计划时间,自己却在喧哗中流逝着青春。照相机阅尽人间春光秋色,刻意留下世间情长。镜子磊落襟怀能包容一切,便无记恨在心之事。 Only know that the alarm cl