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目前,在现有的分制下,古代汉语学向要把传统的教学局面改变,做好老师教学的观念改变是关键。想要在教学过程中,增强古代汉语教学的实效性,就应该把老师的教学语言方式作为研究的前提,对古代汉语课程进行全方位的掌握,同时还需要让老师具备一定的学术素养,在当前的分制下,古代的汉语教学想要将传统的沉闷教学局面打破,将老师的教学观念改变,增强古代汉语教学的实效性。那么就需要老师讲语言的研究方法作为基础,对古代汉语的并且还要不断的对古代汉语进行研究学习,唯有如此,才能够增强古代汉语教学的实效性。 At present, under the existing system of subsystems, it is essential for ancient Chinese studies to change the traditional teaching situation and to change the concept of teaching for teachers. If you want to enhance the effectiveness of ancient Chinese teaching in the process of teaching, you should take the teacher’s teaching language as a prerequisite for the study of ancient Chinese courses in all aspects, but also need to make the teachers have a certain degree of academic accomplishment, at the same time Under the current system of division, ancient Chinese teaching wants to break the traditional dull teaching situation, change the teachers’ teaching concept and enhance the effectiveness of ancient Chinese teaching. Then we need teachers to talk about the language of research as a basis for the study of ancient Chinese and still continue to study ancient Chinese, the only way to enhance the effectiveness of ancient Chinese teaching.
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