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近年来,中国的经济规模增长很快,但是在技术领域里尚未有与之相应的进步,技术发展尤其是高新技术发展的迟滞是增强综合国力的重大障碍。引入风险投资机制,认清当前高新技术发展的特点及其走向,将有助于国有企业尽快摆脱当前的困境,也会有助于避免国际金融风波的波及和冲击。毕业于南京工学院(今东南大学)的刘澎,80年代初即留学日本,攻读计算机博士学位,期间曾在日本的一些大公司供职。学成后又赴美国加州伯克利分校从事计算机和通信领域的研究。随后进入美国工商界,从事信息产业的技术和市场研究,历任技术主管、市场和销售等职,主要负责美国的信息技术向日本和欧洲等大型企业的输 In recent years, the scale of China’s economy has been growing rapidly. However, no corresponding progress has been made in the area of ​​technology. The delay of technological development, especially that of high-tech development, is a major obstacle to the enhancement of overall national strength. The introduction of a mechanism for risk investment and a clear understanding of the characteristics and trends of current high and new technology development will help state-owned enterprises get rid of the current predicament as soon as possible and help avoid the spread and impact of the international financial turmoil. Liu Peng, a graduate of Nanjing Institute of Technology (now Southeast University) graduated from Japan in the early 1980s for a Ph.D. in computer science. During his career, he worked in some of Japan’s largest companies. After studying at the University of California, Berkeley in the field of computer and communications research. He then worked in the business community in the United States to engage in technology and market research in the information industry. He held the posts of technical director, marketing and sales, and was mainly responsible for the loss of information technology in the United States to Japan, Europe and other large enterprises
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摘要 先秦美术理论是先秦时期美术创作的重要指导思想,更是中国古代文艺理论的重要组成部分。本文通过梳理与辨析先秦美术理论,得出以下四个观点:第一,先秦时期独立美术理论体系尚未完全建立,仍然依附于哲学思想之中;第二,注重美术创作的社会功能论;第三,此时美术理论受道家思想影响明显;第四,矛盾对立的艺术观形成了先秦时期美术创作思想的多元复合。  关键词:先秦 美术 艺术观念 创作理论  中图分类号:J20