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经济责任制指企业内部经济责任制,它是一种责、权、利相结合,以提高企业经济效益为目的的企业经营管理制度。经济责任制考核作为激励和约束职工的一项重要手段,在秦皇岛港已运行多年,但由于工作性质、人员数量及指标较多,在许多方面仍有不完善之处,特别是对“软组织”部门的考核中,在一定程度上还存在着平均主义的情况,致使尽“责”的动源不足,产生“干得多却扣得多、干得少却得全奖”的不合理现象,是制约职工工作热情和工作动力发挥的主要问 Economic responsibility refers to the internal economic responsibility system of an enterprise. It is an enterprise management system that integrates responsibility, right and advantage, and aims to improve the economic efficiency of an enterprise. As an important means of motivating and restraining the workers, the assessment of economic responsibility system has been running for many years in Qinhuangdao Port. However, due to the nature of work, the number of personnel and many indicators, there are still many imperfections in many aspects, especially the “Soft Organization ”Departmental assessment, to some extent, there are still cases of egalitarianism, resulting in “ responsibility ”lack of motivation, resulting in "The unreasonable phenomenon is to restrict the enthusiasm of workers and work motivation to play the main question
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