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本文认为,把稳定经济和深化改革结合起来,是设计中期改革的基本指导思想。按照上述思路分阶段进行改革,对前三年和后五年应有区别。目前经济生活中存在着不稳定的因素,在前三年要花力气治理环境,消除不稳定因素,重点是控制通货膨胀。对于那些有可能引起社会震动的如大步价格改革,不宜在这期间进行。但前三年改革的内容还是很丰富的:(1)改善宏观调控机制,包括政府职能的分解和转换,机构的精简,财政复式预算的推行,财政赤字不再向银行透支而用债券弥补,中央银行独立地位和职能的强化,专业银行企业化等,都可以加快步伐。(2)企业改革的重点是深化承包制,并为从承包制过渡到股份制做好准备,实行利税分流,推行税后还贷和税后利润分配;在承包中要形成新的企业家选拔和评价机制;按照政府的宏观经济调控职能和财产所有者职能分离的原则,建立国有资产管理机构,并建立相应的国有资产管理制度,进行资产清理评估以摸清家底。(3)在市场改革方面,虽然对价格改革不可能采取大的动作,但局部范围的调和放仍需进行,同时要积极推进市场发育,建立市场规则,尽快形成生产资料市场,并筹建农产品期货市场,设置农产品特种基金以发挥国营商业蓄水池作用。资金市场包括短期拆借市场和股票债券市场要加快发育,劳动力市场特别是农村劳动力市场可以逐步推行,住宅商品化和房租改革也要在试点基础上加快步伐。(4)在农村改革方面,主要是推动农村土地的相对集中经营。要在鼓励出租转让的同时,发展合作农场、合股农场和家庭农场,改革农村流通体制和金融体制,以促进农村商品经济的发展。对于乡镇企业也要改革其对乡镇政权的依附地位,实现自主经营和股份制。后五年的环境应该比前三年好,经济中的不稳定因素应该基本得到消除。这样,一些大的动作可以在这个阶段陆续出台,使新体制逐渐占主导地位。 This paper argues that the combination of stabilizing the economy and deepening the reform is the basic guiding principle for designing the medium-term reform. In accordance with the above ideas in stages of reform, the first three years and after five years should be different. At present, there are unstable factors in economic life. In the first three years, we must work hard to control the environment and eliminate the factors of instability, with the focus on controlling inflation. For those who may cause social shocks, such as striding price reform, should not be carried out during this period. However, the content of the reform in the first three years is still very rich: (1) to improve the macro-control mechanism, including the decomposition and conversion of government functions, the streamlining of institutions and the implementation of the fiscal compound budget; the fiscal deficit no longer overdrafts to banks, The strengthening of the independence and function of the central bank and the commercialization of specialized banks all can speed up the pace. (2) The focus of enterprise reform is to deepen the contract system, and prepare for the transition from the contract system to the joint-stock system, implement the profit-tax diversion and promote the after-tax loan repayments and after-tax profit distribution. In the contract, a new entrepreneur selection and Evaluation mechanism; in accordance with the government’s macroeconomic regulation and control functions and the separation of ownership of property owners principles, the establishment of state-owned assets management agencies and the establishment of the corresponding state-owned assets management system, asset clean-up assessment to find out the bottom line. (3) In terms of market reform, though it is impossible to take big actions in price reform, the adjustment of local scope will still need to be carried out. At the same time, it is necessary to actively promote market development, establish market rules, establish a market for means of production as soon as possible, and establish agricultural product futures Market, set up special funds for agricultural products to play the role of state-owned commercial reservoir. The capital market, including the short-term borrowing market and the stock bond market, should be accelerated. The labor market, especially the rural labor market, can be gradually implemented. The commercialization of housing and rent reform should also be accelerated on a pilot basis. (4) In rural reform, the main focus is to promote the relatively centralized management of rural land. While encouraging rental and transfer, it is necessary to develop cooperative farms, joint-stock farms and family farms and reform the rural circulation system and financial system so as to promote the development of rural commodity economy. For township and village enterprises, we must also reform their attachment to the township government and achieve self-management and shareholding. After five years of the environment should be better than the previous three years, the economic instability should basically be eliminated. In this way, some big moves can be introduced one after another at this stage, so that the new system gradually dominates.
武术界流传着许多言简意赅、形象生动的拳谚。它是练武、用武实践经验的提炼和总结,具有很高的概括性和说理性。对从事武术活动的人有很强的指导作用。  武术八法,是指武术运动的八种主要技术方法,即手、眼、身法、步;精神、气、力、功。由于手、眼、身法、步是外显的,故称外四法;精神、气、力、功是内在的,故称内四法。外四法表现武术的“形”,内四法表现武术的“神”,内外合一,就体现出武术“形神兼备、以形显神、以神
新式农垦企业,即农垦公司和农场,是中国近代农业中出现的新情况,也是中国近代经济史值得研究的一个课题。本文试图从四个方面对此作些初步的探讨。 (一) 近代新式农垦企业,