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目前,我国国民经济进入快速、稳定的持续发展阶段,与此同时,国家和地方政府也制定并颁布了众多的医疗改革方案,极大的促进了我国医疗体制的改革以及医疗制度的完善优化,并实现了各医院的健康发展和医疗水平的提高,但是全国13亿人口的就医看病从来都不是一个小问题。居民在医院使用医疗设备的过程中,普遍反映使用费用较高,作为医院医疗设备的供应商,医疗器械行业加强其财务管理,降低不必要的费用,压低成本,提高经营效率,进而使得医院的购买成本降低,这在一定程度上可以缓解此问题,满足就医需求,本文介绍医疗器械行业的发展,分析医疗器械行业财务管理中普遍存在的问题,然后针对问题,提出加强医疗器械行业财务管理的对策和建议。 At present, the national economy of our country has entered a rapid and stable phase of sustained development. At the same time, the state and local governments have formulated and promulgated numerous medical reform programs, which have greatly promoted the reform of our medical system and the improvement and optimization of the medical system. And achieved the healthy development of all hospitals and the improvement of medical care. However, the medical treatment of 1.3 billion people in the country has never been a minor problem. Residents in the hospital using medical equipment in the process, generally reflect the higher cost of use, as the hospital medical equipment suppliers, medical equipment industry to strengthen its financial management, reduce unnecessary costs, reduce costs and improve operational efficiency, and thus make the hospital To a certain extent, it can alleviate this problem and meet the demand for medical treatment. This article introduces the development of medical device industry, analyzes the ubiquitous problems in the financial management of medical device industry, and then proposes to strengthen the financial management of medical device industry Countermeasures and suggestions.
目前已经进入北风吹雪花飘的隆冬季节,在这寒风刺骨时节走进大自然观赏雪景、呼吸新鲜空气,扬竿垂钓别有一番情趣。 一、冬季鱼的去处。我国北方有句俗话: “九月九鱼封口。
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