Unique New Year's traditions around the world 世界各地独特的新年传统

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  All over the world, people celebrate the New Year with different traditions. Here are a few unique examples from around the globe.
  12 grapes—Spain
  This tradition is believed to have been popularized in 1909 by farmers in Alicante as a way to deal with surplus grapes from an uncharacteristically large harvest that year. Today, the Spanish people gobble 12 bits of fruit—one grape for each stroke of midnight—to ensure the next 12 months will be filled with luck.
  Let it go—Italy
  For the New Year, Italians throw their old crockery and even furniture out through the window at midnight, which means letting go of the past year while making way for better things in the New Year. They also sing Demi Lovato’s Let It Go, because singing the song may help face the cold that will bother them anyway. It is also customary to leave the doors and windows open on New Year’s day to let good spirits in while the cold draft wafts the evil spirits out.
  108 chimes to midnight—Japan
  The Japanese ring in the New Year not with 12 chimes but with 108 chimes from bells in temples and shrines across Japan. The belief is that the chimes help a man overcome 108 earthly temptations as he proceeds into the new year and moves closer to “nirvana”(涅槃).
  Drink your wish—Russia
  Write the wish down on a small sheet of paper, burn it and then drop the ashes into the glass of bubbly or grape. Have the drink right before midnight and the wish will come true in the new year.
  Dress in white and honour Iemanja—Brazil
  Everyone dresses in white which stands for peace and prosperity and if you intend to celebrate the New Year in Brazil, be sure to carry something white. All along the Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro, people gather with small baskets of flowers and gifts for the ocean goddess of fertility and motherhood, Iemanja. The gifts are set adrift. If the baskets don’t come back, they are believed to have been accepted by the goddess and their new year will prosper.
  A heap of smashed plates on your doorstep would not mean anything good unless you are in Denmark in time for New Year’s Eve. People collect breakable dishes and smash them on the front porch of their friends’ houses; so the bigger the heap is, the more liked you are. That thought probably helps while people clean up later on.
  Walk with a suitcase—Chile
  In Chile, taking a walk around the block with an empty suitcase before midnight is believed to make travel dreams in the new year come true. Also, wearing yellow underwear during the celebrations is considered a major good luck charm.   Different traditions stand for each nation’s customs, history as well as beliefs. As long as these traditions live, they will make each nation unique and the world a colorful place with multiculturalism.
  Reading check
  1. Which tradition is connected to farmers?
  A. 12 grapes.
  B. Let it go.
  C. 108 chimes to midnight.
  D. Drink your wish.
  2. Who will sing a song aganist the cold?
  A. Italians.
  B. Japanese.
  C. Russians.
  D. Brazilians.
  3. In what aspect is Let it go similar to Smash?
  A. They are held outdoors.
  B. They appear destructive.
  C. They take place at night.
  D. They promise a brilliant future.
  4. What traditions both involve wearing clothes?
  A. Dress in white and honour Iemanja and Smash.
  B. 108 chimes to midnight and Walk with a suitcase.
  C. Drink your wish and Dress in white and honour Iemanja.
  D. Dress in white and honour Iemanja and Walk with a suitcase.
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