The influence on the functions of the sacral nerves by curettage and local pouring chemo therapy and

来源 :中国临床康复 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hnsushiheng
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Objective To analyze the influence on the functions of the sacral nerves after curettage and local pouring chemotherapy and radiotherapy by the approach in ante rior with posterior to treat the high sacral tumors.Methods24cases,include their oncology results and functions of the sacral nerves were a nalyzed.Results Average follow-up 56months,3malig nant cases were died of the tumor meta stasis.4recurrent cases were recurred after treatment between 13to 32months.Fo r the tumor curettage demand,the one side S 2 nerve of 2cases and the S 2 ,3nerve of 1case were cut off.The oth er case’ s sacral nerves were reserved comple tely.Conclusions This treatment method by local chemotherapy and radiotherapy to tr eat the high sacral tumors was not inf luence on the functions of the sacral nerves. Objective To analyze the influence on the functions of the sacral nerves after curettage and local pouring chemotherapy and radiotherapy by the approach in ante rior with posterior to treat the high sacral tumors.Methods24cases,include their oncology results and functions of the sacral nerves were a nalyzed .Results Average follow-up 56months,3malig nant cases were died of the tumor meta stasis.4recurrent cases were recurred after treatment between 13to 32months.Fo r the tumor curettage demand,the one side S 2 nerve of 2cases and the S 2 ,3nerve Of 1case were cut off. The oth er case’s s sacral nerves were reserved comple tely.Conclusions This treatment method by local chemotherapy and radiotherapy to tr eat the high sacral tumors was not inf luence on the functions of the sacral nerves.
华中科技大学与三菱电机的强强合作,可望实现电力能源的高效使用武汉华中科技大学在中国电力电子领域久负盛名,是拥有众多优异研究业绩的一流学府。2010年4月1 Huazhong Uni
瑞士科学家的一项突破性研究发现,一种病毒能诱使癌细胞自行毁灭,同时不会对健康细胞构成伤害。虽然目前研究仍属初步阶殴,但无疑为治疗癌症研究提供了一种新方向。 这项由