About female images in Ming dynasty were reviewed

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  【Abstract】: the social status of women in ancient China is generally low, but she is a part of ancient Chinese society than not lack, the change of women's rights and status is in part reflects the social policy, an open mind. Therefore, in recent decades, the story of the emphasis on women in ancient China made great achievements. This paper has been summarized to reflect the women's rights and status of the Ming dynasty,with the story of the Ming dynasty women's marital status, system of chastity, clothing, women's suffrage, etc.
  【Keywords】:  the Ming dynasty   women's social status   openness
  1.the marital status of women.
  The Ming dynasty, the status of women in marriage and family includes both the status of the legal provisions, including marriage and family life that women actually enjoy rights. In the chicken with the Ming and Qing dynasties era of women's rights and status (1), the author in the Ming dynasty contract documents, lawsuits archives as the center, is the new records in Huizhou, instruments, light and other local document archives as the center, the Ming dynasty from two aspects: legal regulations and documents analysis sources family law structure, the buzzing for women's status and rights, the author in the Ming dynasty and paperwork and marriage wedding document to see women's rights and status in Ming dynasty. Women's right of engagement has changed in the late Ming, feng in the cautionary tong said (2) the thought in the late Ming dynasty, some women in love on the selection object gradually abandon "media talk about", "family quite" old principle becomes to advocate men and women both parties to respect each other, love each other. Zhao hurried li's "women's legal status in Ming dynasty"(3), by using the method of comparative study, the Tang Song Yuan Ming laws like comparison, and on the basis of the Ming dynasty law about the maid, a wife, and the regulation of legal authority and the situation of the female crime, think of the Ming dynasty women have certain marriage autonomy, marriage, divorce and remarriage is free, and have certain property rights in real life.
  2、system of the Ming dynasty women's chastity.
  Some people think that women's chastity in Ming dynasty is closely related to the song dynasty is a disgrace to getting, the study of women's chastity in Ming dynasty, because of women's chastity in Ming dynasty is different from other dynasties, women's chastity idea since the song dynasty neo-confucianism emphasized to more mature in the Ming dynasty, so women's chastity in Ming dynasty have the characteristics of other dynasties, this also is the story of the research on women's chastity in Ming dynasty has a special liking. Ren jin his paper "during the Ming and qing dynasties and the change of women's chastity" is pointed out that the women of feudal chastity view, chastity consciousness is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, on the other hand also appears, the trend of anti-tradition thoughts especially during the Ming and qing dynasties on the development of commodity economy, make the social atmosphere of the women's liberation, women gradually broke through the durance of feudal ethical code, to a certain extent, fight for the freedom of personality, social status has improved, many poor families of widowed women, for the survival of themselves and their children remarry, this is the impact on the concept of chastity.   3.Ming dynasty as well
  Woman in mid and late Ming dynasty feminine literature in the Ming dynasty to flourish, especially the talented woman in the south of the Yangtze river culture developed, not only give the life to literature, also provides the male literary creation beauty story more material and inspiration. In recent years, with the story of the late Ming dynasty to woman's research also made significant breakthrough.
  The famous Chinese-American Sinologist mark in the Ming and Qing literati's classic theory and the concept of women " is put forward: "no country in the world than China in the Ming and Qing dynasties era produced more female poet", he was from the Ming and Qing literati poet's help and maintenance point of view, that the "women's studies" is actually the Ming and Qing literati for ideal woman to yearn for a kind of product. At the end of next year, of course, there are many talented woman, famous prostitute small wan dong, etc, it shows that the late Ming dynasty to a certain extent, there are still many children, also reflects the late Ming dynasty feudal ethics on women's relaxation, but generally speaking women are oppressed status remains unchanged.
  4、women's suffrage.
  Harem concubines dictatorship in the past dynasties have been mostly, throughout anything in Ming dynasty, the eunuch authoritarian, minister of dictatorship, but it happened that the wife in politics does not see more, is it really no or ignored by people there. Qin Xianbao in his paper "the evidence of the dynasties of Ming dynasty zhang queen", from the first year of hung shing to orthodox seven years, ren-zong frail, the specific historical conditions, the cases of young and foolish injong protracted war queen embarks from the maintenance of the Ming dynasty rule, resolutely to ride injong passed, the cases of three generations of emperors handle affairs, inhibit consorts and the eunuch dictatorship, he is a quite as a female politician.
   In a word, the Ming dynasty women also failed to get rid of the shackles of feudal ethics, their social status in a sexist feudal authoritarian society, women's status in Ming dynasty is still low. However, because of the history of the Ming dynasty, the social status, women is different with other dynasties of Ming dynasty.
  1. The chicken the Ming and Qing dynasties era of women's status and power in the fourth chapter
  2. Feng Menglong "warning on words"
  3. Song Qingxiu: "on the Ming and qing dynasties the positive of chastity"
当今社会经济快速发展,人们的生活节奏也越来越快,商业环境迅速发展,促使各种品类的专卖店迅速扩张。如今的专卖店已经在人们日常的都市生活中扮演着不可或缺的角色,本文通过相关理论文献的综述、总结和归纳对专卖店的现状进行了分析,并从设计的前期调研发现目前我国专卖店设计存在的问题,然后通过对品牌的了解、功能的分析,从色彩、材质、照明、人体工程学等设计元素对科勒卫浴专卖店设计展开探讨及研究。  一、设计的前期
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【摘要】:在声乐教学中,情感表达是重要的一项内容,将直接关系到演唱者的演出效果以及声音质量。在本文中,将就声乐教学中演唱的情感表达进行一定的研究与分析。  【关键词】:声乐教学;演唱;情感表达;分析;  1 引言  作为现今高校中重点的一门课程,歌唱艺术受到了很多人们的重视。对于歌唱艺术而言,其在发展当中同情感表达具有十分密切的关系,如果在具体演唱中存在缺少情感表达的情况,将很难对观众的人心进行打
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