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中国传统家训作为华夏文化的珍贵遗产,不仅历史悠久,而且内容丰富,涉及领域十分广泛,但究其根本,无不体现在中国传统道德规范,即德目之“五常”:仁、义、礼、智、信之中。从对中国传统家训内容的分析来看,它至始至终都体现着中华民族的传统美德,从价值取向上来看,主要体现在仁爱、义利、礼信和智慧四个方面。尽管时代变迁,但继承和弘扬中国传统家训,不仅不是走向现代化的精神包袱,而是中国现代公民道德建设的宝贵财富,同时,它对现代社会的公民道德建设仍有着重要的影响。 As a precious legacy of Chinese culture, the traditional Chinese precepts not only have a long history but also rich contents and cover a wide range of fields. However, its basic principle is all reflected in the traditional Chinese ethics, namely “five permanent” , Ceremony, wisdom, letter. Judging from the analysis of the content of traditional Chinese home training, it embodies the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation from start to finish. From a value perspective, it mainly manifests in four aspects: love, righteousness, etiquette and wisdom. In spite of the changing times, inheriting and carrying forward the traditional Chinese precepts is not only a spiritual burden of going to modernization but an invaluable asset for the moral construction of modern Chinese citizens. At the same time, it still has an important influence on the construction of civic morality in modern society.
目的 对绿豆淀粉与豆渣复配,并辅以乳化剂和凝固剂制成淀粉/豆渣凝胶,以改良豆渣品质.方法 通过单因素试验与响应曲面法考察复配前后淀粉/豆渣凝胶的持水性、质构及口感变化,