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2014年3月24日,湖北省民宗委党组书记、主任柳望春主持召开党组会议,传达贯彻2014年湖北省综治委第一次全体(扩大)会议精神,对当前民族宗教领域的稳定形势进行分析研判,并就省民宗委2014年综治和平安建设工作进行研究部署。会议指出,2013年,省民宗委在省委、省政府的正确领导下,始终把维护民族宗教领域团结和谐稳定作为第一责任,认真落实综治(平安建设)工作领导责任制和目标管理责任制,将维护民族宗教领域和谐稳定工作纳入重要议 On March 24, 2014, secretary and director of the Party Committee of Hubei Provincial People’s Political Consultative Conference Liu Wangchun chaired a party meeting to convey and implement the spirit of the first general meeting (enlarged) meeting of the Hubei Provincial Committee for Comprehensive and Hospitable Affairs in 2014, and carried out the current situation of stability in ethnic and religious areas Analyze and judge and conduct research and deployment on the comprehensive management of the provincial people’s congress in 2014 and the safe construction. The meeting pointed out: In 2013, under the correct leadership of the provincial party committee and provincial government, the Provincial People’s Commissar has always taken the primary responsibility for safeguarding unity, harmony and stability in the ethnic and religious areas and conscientiously implemented the leadership responsibility system and target management for the work of general management (safe construction) Responsibility system, and will maintain the harmony and stability in the ethnic and religious fields in the important proposals
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文章研究了军校数字图书馆信息服务的现状及存在的问题,对如何应用Web 2.0进行信息服务,提高军校图书馆创新服务水平进行了探讨。 This paper studies the status quo and e