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在我国科技水平和经济水平不断提高的背景下,社会已经逐渐步入了网络时代,网络时代的来临,对青少年思想政治教育提出了更高的要求,但与此同时,也为其进一步的发展创造了机会。青少年是国家未来发展的栋梁,是祖国的希望,所以对青少年进行思想政治教育,提高青少年的政治素养是非常有必要的。因此,教师为了进一步做好青少年的思想政治教育工作,提出了要推动红色文学网络化发展的建议,此建议的提出受到了人们的关注。因此,本文对红色文学网络化对青少年思想政治教育的有利影响进行了深入地分析,并阐述了自己的见解,希望可以为高校教师做好青少年思想政治教育工作提供一点帮助。 Under the background of continuous improvement of science and technology and economy in our country, the society has gradually entered the Internet era and the advent of the Internet age, and has put forward higher requirements on the ideological and political education among young people. At the same time, however, it has also made further development for it Create a chance. Adolescents are the pillars of the future development of the country and the hope of the motherland. Therefore, it is very necessary for adolescents to carry out ideological and political education and raise their political accomplishments. Therefore, in order to do a good job in ideological and political education for adolescents, teachers have put forward suggestions to promote the development of the network of red literature. This suggestion has attracted people’s attention. Therefore, this article has carried on the thorough analysis to the beneficial influence of the network of red literature on the teenagers’ ideological and political education, and elaborated own opinion, hopefully can provide some help for the college teacher’s ideological and political education.
A multilane extension of the single-lane anisotropic continuum model (GK model) developed by Gupta and Katiyar for traffic flow is discussed with the considerat