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目的分析洪灾后小学生创伤后应激反应(PTSR)的影响因素,为灾后小学生心理重建提供参考依据。方法使用自编洪灾暴露因素问卷、青少年心理韧性问卷(ARS)和修订版儿童事件影响量表(CRIES),对洪灾3个月后茂名市某小学837名小学生进行问卷调查,并用χ2检验、线性分层回归等统计方法进行分析。结果女生PTSR阳性检出率高于男生(P<0.01);洪灾暴露因素问卷中的“生命是否遭受威胁”、“是否目睹他人死亡”和ARS中的“情绪控制”、“积极认知”维度对小学生CRIES总分具有显著性预测作用(R2=0.18,P<0.01)。结论洪灾时应保护学生避免暴露于恐惧性场景;灾后心理重建应注意性别差异,并着重在情绪调控、积极认知训练等方面提高青少年儿童的心理韧性,以预防或改善其创伤心理。 Objective To analyze the influencing factors of post-traumatic stress response (PTSR) in primary school students after flood and provide references for psychological reconstruction of primary school students after flood. Methods A total of 837 primary school students in a primary school in Maoming City were surveyed using the self-compiled flood exposure questionnaire, the Youth Psychological Resilience Questionnaire (ARS) and the revised Children Incident Impact Scale (CRIES) Stratified regression and other statistical methods for analysis. Results The positive rate of PTSR in girls was significantly higher than that in boys (P <0.01). In the questionnaire of flood exposure, whether there was a threat to life, whether witness to death, and emotional control in ARS, The “positive cognition” dimension had a significant predictive effect on the CRIES scores of primary school students (R2 = 0.18, P <0.01). Conclusion In flood, students should be protected from fear scenes. Psychological reconstruction should pay attention to gender differences in post-flood disaster, and focus on improving the psychological resilience of young children in the aspects of emotional regulation and positive cognitive training to prevent or improve their traumatic psychology.
目的 分折更年期患者的心率变异特点,研究更年期综合征(climacteric syndrome,CS)患首与自主神经功能之间的关系。方法对65例更年期患者及100例健康女性做24 h 长程心率变异(
1.病例介绍 患者男,22岁,1998年7月6日因颈后出现一疖肿,红肿、热、疼,颈部活动受阻,自服复方新诺明2片,每日2次,三天后患者自感全身酸软无力,两眼视力模糊,会阴部奇痒,而急
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本文全面分析了思茅地区旅游业发展的区位、资源、自然和社会等环境条件,以有利于思茅地区旅游业的发展和云南旅游支柱产业的建设 This article comprehensively analyzes th