关爱灾区 共筑家园

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2008年5月12日14时28分,四川省汶川县发生里氏8.0级强烈地震,造成重大人员伤亡,无数房屋垮塌,财产损失严重,通讯中断,同时给灾区的广播电视基础设施造成严重破坏。灾害无情人有情,灾区人民的安危时刻牵动全国人民的心。地震发生后,行业内众多企业和设备厂商第一时间为灾区捐款捐物,以各种方式参与救援;地处灾区的一些企业在地震中受到不同程度破坏,一方面组织员工积极自救、恢复生产,一方面展开互救,帮助灾区人民重建家园。多难兴邦,大灾大考,这次地震灾害对中国是一次严峻考验,同样也使我们看到了中国的实力。本刊真诚呼吁能有更多的行业同仁加入到灾区的重建工作中,与灾区人民一道共筑美好家园! At 14:28 on May 12, 2008, a magnitude 8.0 earthquake struck Wenchuan County in Sichuan Province, causing heavy casualties, collapsing houses, serious property damage and interruption of communications, as well as causing serious damage to the radio and television infrastructure in the disaster areas . Disaster no lover affectionate, people in disaster-stricken times affect the hearts of people across the country. After the earthquake, many enterprises and equipment manufacturers in the industry made donations and donations to the disaster-stricken areas for the first time, and participated in the rescue in various ways. Some enterprises in the disaster-stricken areas were damaged to varying degrees in the earthquake. On the other hand, they organized employees to actively save themselves and resume production On the one hand, it will expand mutual help and help the people in disaster areas to rebuild their homes. How hard it is to rejuvenate the country and make a big test for the disaster. This earthquake disaster is a severe test for China. It also shows us the strength of China. The journal has sincerely called for more industry colleagues to join the reconstruction work in the disaster areas and build a beautiful home together with the people in the disaster-stricken areas.
Dear Editor,I am Dr.Khay Wei Poh from Department of Ophthalmology,Hospital Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.I write to share a case of diffuse choroidal haemangioma in a c
目的 观察下肢动脉栓塞患者截肢手术前后凝血指标的变化,探讨动脉栓塞患者截肢围手术期的护理措施.方法 回顾性分析本院收治的22例下肢动脉栓塞行截肢术患者的临床资料,分析
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目的 分析计划生育手术护理中的问题和应对策略.方法 选择接受计划生育手术的患者,共计50例,2015年10月10日至2016年10月10日为研究时间阶段,对患者予以宫内节育器放置、取出