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创造性思维是记者在新闻采写过程中,实现某些完全的创造和局部创新的科学有效的思维方式。正确认识和把握记者创造性思维的特征,对于记者在新闻工作实践中,开拓认识客观报道事物的新领域,采写富于创造与创新的好作品,是至关重要的。记者的创造性思维有哪些特征呢? 一是开放性。就是在当今改革开放的社会历史背景之下,记者不囿于狭小天地,而是密切注视着广阔的国内社会乃至整个世界,懂得天外有天的道理,在各地区、各部门(以至国与国)的新闻机构和采编人员之间,积极进行交往和交流活动,广泛开展横向联系和收集反馈信息,多方位、立体地 Creative thinking is a scientific and effective way of thinking that journalists achieve some complete creation and partial innovation in the news writing process. Correctly understanding and grasping the features of journalistic creative thinking is of crucial importance for journalists in opening up new areas of understanding objectively reported things in journalistic practice and in writing good works rich in creativity and innovation. What are the characteristics of creative thinking of reporters? First, open. That is, under the current social and historical background of reform and opening up, journalists are not confined to the narrow world. They are closely watching the vast domestic society and even the world as a whole. They understand the truth from all over the world and work in all areas and regions News agencies and editors, active exchanges and exchanges, to carry out extensive horizontal contact and feedback, multi-dimensional, three-dimensional
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