
来源 :中共石家庄市委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zy124321628
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首先,要继续扩大国内需求的战略方针,力求保持内需的继续稳定增长。 第二,2003年仍要继续发挥积极的财政政策对经济的拉动作用,但要考虑积极财政政策的逐步淡出,建立一个完善的机制,并逐步走向正轨。民间财富要适当增加,要重视发挥货币政策、综合配套政策等;为了更好地理顺结构关 First of all, we must continue to expand our strategic approach to domestic demand and strive to maintain the steady and steady growth of domestic demand. Second, in 2003, we still need to continue to play the role of an active fiscal policy in stimulating the economy. However, we must consider gradual phasing out of a pro-active fiscal policy, establish a sound mechanism and gradually move on track. Wealth should be properly increased, we must give full play to monetary policy, comprehensive supporting policies; order to better straighten out the structure
PCG2 (Preconditioned Conjugate-Gradient Method 2), the most popular mothod used in groundwater field, was used to solve the distributed model of large-scale gro
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好友杨阳在一家应用软件公司做市场运营,手头的事多如牛毛,打电话约人、写活动方案、做PPT、做采访等,最近这段时间,又把公司公众号的排版与发送推给了她。  没办法,杨阳只好去找领导,要求招聘一个助手。领导也觉得杨阳的事确实多,也看到了她每天加班,但是董事会暂时没招人计划,想等一段时间和其他部门一起招,考虑到杨阳的工作量大,公司决定每个月给她多发2000元。  杨阳没办法,她只能暂时接受公司的安排,非
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