Design and Development of New Digital Thermostat

来源 :Semiconductor Photonics and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lnln0923
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The designed thermostat is based on the microcontroller featuring intelligence, programmable, environmental protection and power saving. The thermostat design is mainly composed of hardware and software design, the hardware includes the power supply circuit, temperature measurement circuit, humidity measurement circuit and backlight circuit; while the software design includes temperature measurement and compensation algorithm, moreover software flowchart is given as well. Finally the power supply circuit is simulated by the software of Pspice and the creative power stealing mode is verified by the simulation results. A target board is stuffed by hand with Pb-free electronic components and used to test hardware and debug software. Since the Pb-free components were used, power stealing mode is designed in hardware and temperature compensation algorithm is accomplished in software, and the thermostat is outstanding with its features of “green” and “power saving”. The thermostat is based on the microcontroller featuring intelligence, programmable, environmental protection and power saving. The thermostat design is mainly composed of hardware and software design, the hardware includes the power supply circuit, temperature measurement circuit, humidity measurement circuit and backlight circuit; Finally the software design includes temperature measurement and compensation algorithm, moreover software flowchart is given as well. moreover software supply is is simulated by the software of Pspice and the creative power stealing mode is verified by the simulation results. A target board is stuffed by hand with Pb-free electronic components and used to test hardware and debug software. Since the Pb-free components were used, power stealing mode is designed in hardware and temperature compensation algorithm is accomplished in software, and the thermostat is outstanding with its features “green ” and “power saving ”.
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