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一、契约自由的起源和发展契约自由最早起源于罗马,当时契约最重要的精神就是双方合意,非经双方同意不得随意变更和解除。1契约自由这一原则的兴起和确立是在十九世纪中叶,工业革命造就了西方的繁荣经济,人们从农业社会向工业社会过渡,农奴的劳动力被彻底解放,他们成了纯粹的自由劳动者。所以个人价值在这一时期得到了至高无上的推崇,所以国家对契约自由充分尊重,很少加以限制。二、契约自由的限制与格式条款的出现 First, the origin and development of freedom of contract Freedom of contract originated in Rome, when the most important spirit of the contract is that both parties agree, not without the consent of both parties shall not be free to change and lift. 1 The rise and establishment of the principle of freedom of contract was that in the mid-nineteenth century, the industrial revolution created a prosperous economy in the West, and people moved from agrarian society to industrial society. The serf labor was completely liberated and they became purely free laborers . Therefore, personal value was respected at this period of supreme, so the state fully respects the freedom of contract and seldom limits it. Second, the constraints of freedom of contract and the emergence of format terms
Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?1.—What do you think of sitcoms?你认为情景喜剧怎么样? What do you think of game shows?1.—What do you think of sitcoms
春天是花园,花园里有松树,松树绿油油的,可好看了! Spring is a garden, pine trees in the garden, green pine trees, can be nice!
说到假发,我们总会在第一时间内想到英国的法官,脑海里自然而然地浮现出他们那灰白而稍带卷曲的“头部武装”。美国第三任总统托马斯·杰斐逊曾说,“(英国法官)就像是躲在棉絮下面向外窥视的老鼠。”这样一个比喻够伤感情了,可人家照样乐此不疲地戴着,毕竟几百年的历史传统,不是说改就能随便改掉的。  不过假发的最早出现,并不是在欧洲,而是始于古埃及人。早在埃及古王国时期(公元前2700—前2200年),无论男女
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晚上做完作业后,小明缠着爸爸,要他讲故事。爸爸说:“行,我讲。有一天,两个父亲各自带着一个儿子结伴去河边钓鱼。收获很均匀:每个人都恰好钓了9条鱼。钓到的鱼都放 After f
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Autofrettage is an effective technique to improve load-bearing capacity and safety for pressure vessels.For autofrettaged cylinder,the depth of plastic zone,or