Tripodalsporormielones A-C,unprecedented cage-like polyketides with complex polyvdent bridged and fu

来源 :药学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanhe100
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A chemical investigation on Sporormiella sp.led to the isolation and structural elucidation of tripodalsporormielones A-C(1-3),a new class of polyketide possessing unprecedented cage-like skel-etons with polyvdent bridged and fused ring systems.These polyketides with cage-like skeletons were characterized as a high non-protonated carbon-containing system,which resulted in few HMBC correla-tions observed and made the accurate structures hard to be obtained by NMR.Especially,some signals of non-protonated sp2 carbons are weak and even unobservable in compound 1.In order to establish the structure of 1,the calculated NMR with DP4 evaluation was applied to determine the structure from the plausible structure candidates obtained from the detailed NMR analysis.Based on NMR experiments and calculated NMR,the structures of isolated compounds were established and confirmed by X-ray tech-nology.Through chiral isolation,the optically pure enantiomers of 1 and 3 were obtained,and their ab-solute configurations were determined based on ECD quantum chemical calculation.Based on the isolated compounds and our previous work,1-3 would be derived from 3-methylorcinaldehyde,and their plausible biosynthetic mechanism was proposed.Furthermore,1 exhibited obvious short-term memory improvement activity on an Alzheimer\'s disease fly model.
苏州,明清时期我国“制造业”的中心城市rn清乾隆十一年(公元1 746年),纳兰常安正处于自己仕途的巅峰.在历任太原府通判、冀宁道、山西粮驿道、广西按察使、云南布政使、江西巡抚、盛京兵部侍郎、刑部侍郎、漕运总督后,他在浙江巡抚的位置上己任职5年.多年来宦海沉浮、游历四方的经历,让他领略了各地不同的舆地风土,见识了诸多奇闻异事,他将这些内容都写入了自己的著作《受宜堂宦游笔记》之中.在所到过的诸地中,有一处城市之繁华、商贸之兴盛、物产之精美,令他叹为观止:他写到苏州“制造百物”:“苏州专诸巷,琢玉、雕金、镂木
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