
来源 :中国橡胶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seanswh
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为满足市场需求,奇卡胶橡塑部件(昆山)有限公司拟投资1000万元实施第10次项目扩建,购置24台橡胶注射机,并改变后加工区位置,新增年产洗衣机门封250万件、家电水管300万件、汽车排气吊耳300万件、汽车密封减震件300万件和其他家电功能件800万件产能。扩建项目主要原辅材料年用量有所变化, In order to meet the market demand, Chica Rubber & Plastic Parts (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. plans to invest 10 million yuan to implement the 10th project expansion, purchase 24 rubber injection machines and change the post-processing area position, adding an annual output of washing machine door seals 250 Million, three million pieces of water pipes for household appliances, 3 million pieces of exhaust lugs for automobiles, 3 million pieces of shock-absorbing automobile seals and 8 million pieces of functional parts for other home appliances. The annual expansion of the main raw and auxiliary materials has some changes,
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《黄河文学》2013年第4期刊发的祖克慰散文《与一只狐狸的博弈》入选《2014年第三次大联考浙江卷语文试题》。 “The Yellow River Literature” 2013 the fourth issue of
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