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To get high flower production of tuberose,growing media and NPK fertilizer proportion was determined accurately by polynomial regression quadratic equation (PRQE) in four elements.The partial derivatives from polynomial regression equation ( 6) was utilized for estimating the maximum production of tuberose flower.Results revealed coding level X 1=-1 695, X 2=-1 122 ,X 3=0 311 and X 4=1 151,which are converted into doses of trial factors,are KD-1-Hydrophilic gel/sandy-soil (HG/SS)=0 652%,(NH 4) 2SO 4=14 39 (g·m -3 ),Ca(H 2PO 4) 2·H 2O=25 75 (g·m -3 ) ,and K 2SO 4=25 89 (g·m -3 ).Therefore, max =28 79 (number of flower·m -2 ).Results revealed that plant height was significantly influenced by the application of three major nutrients.However,number of leaves/plant increased non-significantly with the increasing level of NPK and HG/SS.Number of bulks/clump was also influenced by N,P and K as well as HG/SS.Application of higher levels of NPK showed profound effect on increasing flower production (number of spikes·m -2 ),and number of florets/spike.Therefore,higher doses of NPK are recommended for higher production of flower. To get high flower production of tuberose, growing media and NPK fertilizer proportion was rated by polynomial regression quadratic equation (PRQE) in four elements. Partial derivatives from polynomial regression equation (6) was utilized for estimating the maximum production of tuberose flower. Results revealed coding level X 1 = -1 695, X 2 = -1 122, X 3 = 0 311 and X 4 = 1 151, which are converted into doses of trial factors, are KD-1-Hydrophilic gel / sandy-soil (HG / SS) = 0 652%, (NH 4) 2SO 4 = 14 39 (g · m -3), Ca (H 2 PO 4) 2 · H 2 O = 25 75 (g · m -3), and K 2SO 4 = 25 89 (g · m -3) .Therefore, max = 28 79 (number of flower · m -2). Results revealed that plant height was significantly influenced by the application of three major nutrients. However, number of leaves / plant increased non-significantly with the increasing level of NPK and HG / SS. Number of bulks / clump was also influenced by N, P and K as well as HG / SS. Application of higher levels of NP K showed profound effect on increasing flower production (number of spikes · m -2), and number of florets / spike.Therefore, higher doses of NPK are recommended for higher production of flower.
2001年12月11日我国正式加入世界贸易组织(WTO)成为第143个成员。回顾加入WTO的10年,我国保险业的发展可以概括为“成绩悲斐然,挑战依然”。 On December 11, 2001, China f
1 货架期概念rn货架期,中将食品货架期定义为产品可以被接受并且满足顾客质量要求的时间长度.货架期是乳制品质量的一个决定性因素,货架期的长短能够决定乳品生产者、销售者
为提高新时期村庄规划建设水平, 2013年,国家开展了村庄规划试点工作,白山村作为国家在广东省唯一的试点,将为国内村庄规划提供示范,为广东省村庄规划探索新思路.2017年习近
教师点评  在中考来临之际,我们推介这篇关于复习应试的数学写作有着特殊的意义。在上文中,小作者记录了他在模考练习中的一些疏漏,并能认真分析这些疏漏,总结出一些个性化的“备考录”,把这些备考注意事项“带进重要考场”,防止类似的疏漏。这是值得所有同学学习的。事实上,考试中的“会而不对”“对而不全”是个“老大难”问题,很多同学都受到这个“老大难”问题的困扰。除了上文中提到的整理個性化的复习备考注意事项之