Optimal algorithms for scheduling large-scale application on heterogeneous systems

来源 :重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kk238bdii
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This paper studies optimal algorithms for scheduling large-scale application on heterogeneous systems using Divisible Load Theory.A more realistic and general model,i.e.,both processors and communication links may have different speeds and arbitrary start-up costs,and communication is in non-blocking mode,is introduced.Under such environment,the following results are obtained: ①Mathematic model and closed-form expressions both for the processing time and the fraction of load for each processor are derived;②the influence of start-up costs on the optimal processing time is analyzed;③for a given heterogeneous systems and a large-scale computing problem,optimal algorithms are proposed. This paper studies optimal algorithms for scheduling large-scale applications on heterogeneous systems using Divisible Load Theory. A more realistic and general model, ie, both processors and communication links may have different speeds and arbitrary start-up costs, and communication is in non- blocking mode, is introduced. Unders such environment, the following results are obtained: ① Mathematic model and closed-form expressions both for the processing time and the fraction of load for each processor are derived; ② the influence of start-up costs on the optimal processing time is analyzed; ③for a given heterogeneous systems and a large-scale computing problem, optimal algorithms are proposed.
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