油菜菌核病菌(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)对多菌灵的抗药性及其稳定性

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从江苏省句容市丘陵山区未施用过多菌灵(MBC)的白菜型油菜菌核病株上,采集了49个Sclerotiniascle-rotiorum野生菌株。经测定,MBC抑制这些菌株菌丝生长的平均EC50为0.2198±0.1083μg/ml,MIC值为5.0μg/ml。从镇江农科所油菜育种组试验田中采集的S.sclerotiorum菌核标样中,发现6个抗MBC的抗性菌株,这6个菌株的EC50值均大于2000μg/ml。研究表明:这6个抗性菌株经无性世代、有性世代,或在低温(4℃)中贮存10个月后,其抗药性都没有丧失或降低;抗性菌株对离体油菜叶片的致病力与野生的敏感菌株没有差异;油菜叶片经1000μg/mlMBC溶液浸渍处理后,敏感菌株对其都不能侵染,而抗性菌株对这些叶片的致病力与对未浸药叶片的致病力无明显差异 A total of 49 wild strains of Sclerotiniascle-rotiorum were collected from the B. rapae sclerotinia without applying carbendazim (MBC) in the hilly region of Jurong City, Jiangsu Province. The mean EC50 of MBC inhibiting the mycelial growth of these strains was determined to be 0.2198 ± 0.1083 μg / ml and the MIC value was 5.0 μg / ml. S from Zhenjiang Institute of Science rapeseed breeding field experimental field collected S. Six sclerotiorum sclerotiorin-resistant samples were found to have six anti-MBC resistant strains with EC50 values ​​greater than 2000 μg / ml. The results showed that all six resistant strains had no loss of resistance or decreased their resistance after being stored for 10 months in sexual generation, sexual generation, or in low temperature (4 ℃). The resistance of the resistant strains to in vitro rape leaves There was no difference between the susceptible and wild sensitive strains. After being inoculated with 1000μg / ml MBC solution, the susceptible strains could not infect them. However, the pathogenicity of the resistant strains to these leaves was not related to the pathogenicity No significant difference in force
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晋国税征发(1999)52号一九九九年十一月二十五日各地、市国家税务局,省局直属征收分局: 根据国家税务总局、财政部、国内贸易部、电子工业部、国家工商行政管理论《关于在商业服务业娱
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