Evidence based review of negative pressure wound therapy

来源 :World Journal of Dermatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ljlshh2003
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Vacuum-assisted closure, sometimes referred to as microdeformational wound therapy or most commonly negative pressure wound therapy(NPWT), has significantly improved wound care over the past two decades. NPWT is known to affect wound healing through four primary mechanisms(macrodeformation, microdeformation, fluid removal, and alteration of the wound environment) and various secondary mechanisms(including neurogenesis, angiogenesis, modulation of inflammation, and alterations in bioburden) which are described in this review. In addition, the technique has many established uses, for example in wound healing of diabetic and pressure ulcers, as well as burn and blast wounds. This therapy also has many uses whose efficacy has yet to be confirmed, for example the use in digestive surgery. Modifications of the traditional NPWT have also been established and are described in detail. This therapy has various considerations and contraindications which are summarized in this review. Finally, future perspectives, such as the optimal cycling of the treatment and the most appropriate interface material, are touched upon in the final segment. Overall, despite the fact that questions remain to be answered about NPWT, this technology is a major breakthrough in wound healing with significant potential use both in the hospital but also in the community. Vacuum-assisted closure, sometimes referred to as microdeformational wound therapy or most commonly negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), has significantly improved wound care over the past two decades. NPWT is known to affect wound healing through four primary mechanisms (macrodeformation, microdeformation, fluid removal, and alteration of the wound environment) and various secondary mechanisms (including neurogenesis, angiogenesis, modulation of inflammation, and alterations in bioburden) which are described in this review. In addition, the technique has many established uses, for example in wound healing of diabetic and pressure ulcers, as well as burn and blast wounds. This therapy also has many uses whose efficacy has yet be be confirmed, for example the use in digestive surgery. Modifications of the traditional NPWT have also been established and are described in detail. This therapy has various considerations and contraindications which are summarized in this review. Finally, fut ure perspectives, such as the optimal cycling of the treatment and the most appropriate interface material, are touched upon in the final segment. Overall, despite the fact that questions remain to be answered about NPWT, this technology is a major breakthrough in wound healing with significant potential use both in the hospital but also in the community
目的 观察单纯胰岛素治疗的2型糖尿病患者,血糖控制水平与血浆总同型半胱氨酸(total homocys teine,tHcy)水平的关系。方法 68例符合入选标准的2型糖尿病患者单纯给予胰岛素治疗3个月。基线和治疗3个月后取空腹血测定空腹血糖(FBG)、糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)、tHcy,餐后2h取血测定餐后血糖(PBG)。结果 所有患者经过3个月的单纯胰岛素治疗后,FBG、PBG和HbA1c均
目的系统评价中药辅助抗菌药治疗小儿肠系膜淋巴结炎的疗效。方法检索1980-2016年中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、万方数字化期刊全文库、中文科技期刊全文数据库(VIP)、Pub Med