Synergistic Effect of Phosphite with Fullerene C_(60) and Fullerenol C_(60)(OH)_(24) as Antioxidants

来源 :Chinese Journal of Polymer Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fawudai111111
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Polypropylene samples with fullerene C60, fullerenol C60(OH)24, 1010, C60/168, C60-OH/168 and 1010/168 as antioxidants were prepared by extrusions. MFR, YI, TGA and OIT of all the samples were tested. According to the results of MFR, during the melt extrusion, fullerene showed excellent stability effect on PP. The antioxidative ability of fullerene was comparable to the traditional antioxidant 1010. The antioxidative ability of fullerenol was not significant in the first extrusion and it accelerated the degradation of PP in the second and the third extrusions. TGA and OIT tests showed that the stability effects of fullerene and fullerenol were slightly lower than antioxidant 1010. In the first time, antioxidant 168 was reported to show great synergistic effects with fullerene and fullerenol as antioxidants, which sussested a simple way to enhance the antioxidative abilities of fullerene and fullerenol. Polypropylene samples with fullerene C60, fullerenol C60 (OH) 24, 1010, C60 / 168, C60-OH / 168 and 1010/168 as antioxidants were prepared by extrusions. MFR, YI, TGA and OIT of all the samples were tested. to the results of MFR, during the melt extrusion, fullerene showed excellent stability effect on PP. The antioxidant ability of fullerene was comparable to the traditional antioxidant 1010. The antioxidant ability of fullerenol was not significant in the first extrusion and it accelerated the degradation of PP in the second and the third extrusions. TGA and OIT tests showed that the stability effects of fullerene and fullerenol were slightly lower than the antioxidant 1010. In the first time, antioxidant 168 was reported to show great synergistic effects with fullerene and fullerenol as antioxidants, which sussested a simple way to enhance the antioxidative abilities of fullerene and fullerenol.
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