
来源 :石油政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kingly1988
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《邓小平文选》第三卷的中心内容,讲的是扭住经济建设这个中心不放松,加快改革,加快发展,使中国尽快强盛起来,使中国老百姓尽快富裕起来,以体现共产党领导的正确,体现社会主义制度的优越。学习的目的在于应用,作为一名干部,作为一名思想政治工作的组织者和实践者,学习“邓选”三卷,学习建设有中国特色的社会主义理论,就要结合自己的工作职责,围绕这个中心确定工作思路,部署工作内容,这样就是贯彻了党的基本路线,服从了全党全国的大局,思想政治工作在其中也就树立了地位,充满了活力。 一、紧紧围绕生产建设这个中心,卓有成效地开展思想政治工作。企业的最终目的是创造效益,油田的最终目标是生产原油。邓小平指出,实现翻两番的目标,能源是关键。要一心一意搞建设。国家这么大,这么穷,不努力发展生产,日子怎么过?做为油田企业,要落实 The central content of the third volume of “Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping” refers to that it takes no account of economic construction and relaxes, speeds up the reform and accelerates development so that China will prosper as soon as possible so that the Chinese people will get rich as soon as possible in order to embody the correctness and embodiment of the leadership of the Communist Party The superiority of the socialist system. The purpose of study is to apply. As a cadre, as an organizer and practitioner of ideological and political work, when studying the three volumes of “Deng Xuan” and studying and building a theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we must combine our own job responsibilities, The central task of this work is to determine the work train of thought and deploy the work contents so that the basic line of the party can be followed and the overall situation of the whole party and the country has been obeyed. Ideological and political work has also established its position among them and is full of vitality. First, firmly center on the center of production and construction and carry out ideological and political work with efficiency. The ultimate goal of the business is to create benefits, the ultimate goal of the oil field is the production of crude oil. Deng Xiaoping pointed out that energy is the key to achieving the goal of quadrupling. We should wholeheartedly carry out construction. Such a big country, so poor, do not work hard to develop production, the days how? As oil companies, to implement
当外来妹在北京受辱时,首都的公安干警,决不会束手无策 When the foreign sister was humiliated in Beijing, the police officers in the capital will never be helpless
目的 探讨核因子 κB(NF κB)在蛋白激酶C(PKC)对支气管哮喘T淋巴细胞增殖和凋亡调控的信号转导中的作用。方法 哮喘组和正常对照组的豚鼠以及急性发作期哮喘患者和正常对