Etiology, pathogenesis, antivirals and vaccines of hand,foot, and mouth disease

来源 :National Science Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:neu20063043
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Hand, foot, and mouth disease(HFMD), caused by enteroviruses, is a syndrome characterized by fever with vesicular eruptions mainly on the skin of the hands, feet, and oral cavity. HFMD primarily afects infants and young children. Although infection is usually self-limited, severe neurological complications in the central nervous system can present in some cases, which can lead to death. Widespread infection of HFMD across the Asia-Paciic region over the past two decades has made HFMD a major public health challenge, ranking irst among the category C notiiable communicable diseases in China every year since2008. his review summarizes our understanding of HFMD, focusing on the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease, as well as on progress toward antivirals and vaccines. he review also discusses the implications of these studies as they relate to the control and prevention of the disease. Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD), caused by enteroviruses, is a syndrome characterized by fever with vesicular eruptions mainly on the skin of the hands, feet, and oral cavity. Although MF is a feces infants and young children self-limited, severe neurological complications in the central nervous system can present in some cases, which can lead to death. Widespread infection of HFMD across the Asia-Paciic region over the past two decades has made HFMD a major public health challenge, ranking irst among the category C notiiable communicable diseases in China every year since 2008. his review summarizes our understanding of HFMD, focusing on the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease, as well as on progress toward antivirals and vaccines. as they relate to the control and prevention of the disease.
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