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目的了解贫困地区回族小学生烟草接触现状及城乡差异,对比分析其影响因素。方法采用整群随机抽样的方法,选取宁夏固原市原州区城乡4所小学的1~5年级共20个班512名回族小学生为研究对象,对他们尝试吸烟和被动吸烟状况及影响因素进行初步调查和研究。结果回族小学生尝试吸烟年龄最小为6岁,总体尝试吸烟率为23.4%,且随着年级的增高而上升;总体被动吸烟率为62.7%,且城市高于农村(χ2=4.25,P<0.05)。城乡回族小学生家庭中有人吸烟的比例分别为57.5%和46.7%,差异有显著性(χ2=5.71,P<0.05)。城乡回族小学生尝试吸烟者第一支烟从家中、从同学朋友处、自己购买三个来源相当。在被动吸烟的回族小学生中,城市和农村分别有52.2%和73.7%从家庭获得,城乡间差异有显著性(χ2=23.72P<0.005)。在吸烟危害认知方面,城乡知晓者所占比重均在90%以上,而对被动吸烟危害的认知和态度方面则均稍差一些,但均以城市好于农村。结论宁夏贫困地区回族小学生烟草接触率较高,与其生活环境关系密切。 Objective To understand the status quo and differences between urban and rural residents of tobacco among Hui students in poverty-stricken areas and to compare the influencing factors. Methods A cluster random sampling method was used to select 512 Hui primary school students in 20 classes from grade 1 to grade 5 in 4 primary and secondary schools in rural and urban areas of Guyuan, Guyuan, Ningxia as the research object, and to conduct a preliminary investigation of their smoking and passive smoking status and influencing factors And research. Results The minimum smoking age of elementary school students in Hui nationality was 6 years old, the overall smoking prevalence rate was 23.4%, and increased as the grade increased. The overall passive smoking rate was 62.7%, and the urban area was higher than that in rural areas (χ2 = 4.25, P <0.05) . There were significant differences in smoking among urban Hui students and urban Hui students (57.5% and 46.7%, respectively) (χ2 = 5.71, P <0.05). Urban and rural Hui primary school students try smoker first cigarette from home, friends from the students at their own purchase of three sources quite. Among the Hui students who passively smoke, 52.2% and 73.7% respectively of urban and rural areas were obtained from their families, with a significant difference between urban and rural areas (χ2 = 23.72 P <0.005). In the cognitive aspects of smoking hazards, the proportion of urban and rural residents accounted for more than 90%, while the perceptions and attitudes toward passive smoking were slightly less, but both cities were better than rural areas. Conclusion There is a high tobacco contact rate among Hui students in poverty-stricken areas of Ningxia, which is closely related to their living environment.
103Pd is an important radioisotope for the use of cancer local treatment (brachytherapy). 103Pd is produced by using the pulse electroplated Rh target and cyclo
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中华医学会《中华神经科杂志》和《中华内科杂志》编委会原定于 2 0 0 1年 8月下旬在云南召开全国内科系统疾病的神经系统表现及神经科急症诊治学术研讨会再次改期为 2 0 0 2