
来源 :语言与文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dianquan999
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随着我国经济建设的迅猛发展和贸易全球化,社会需要大量既具英语应用能力,又有商务专业知识的复合型人才。随之,开设商务英语专业的院校越来越多。然而,对于这些院校来说,怎样构建课程体系,使得英语类课程与商务类课程有效结合,实现学生知识体系的整体化,以达到培养复合型人才满足社会的需要,则是一个复杂而又亟待解决的问题。本文在分类研究高职、本科和重点院校商务英语专业课程设置特点的基础上,对普通本科院校商务英语课程设置提出了结合三类院校课程设置优势的建设性建议,在打好英语语言基本功的基础上,强化商务英语,增加商务专业双语和全英语课程,从而更好地实现人才培养目标,使我校商务英语专业的毕业生在新世纪具有更强的竞争力和适应力。 With the rapid economic development in our country and the globalization of trade, the community needs a large number of compound talents with both English proficiency and business expertise. As a result, there are more and more institutions offering business English majors. However, for these institutions, how to construct the curriculum system and make the combination of English and business curricula effective so as to achieve the integration of the student knowledge system so as to meet the needs of the community to meet the needs of the community is a complex issue Problems to be solved. Based on the classification of business English major courses in higher vocational colleges, undergraduate and key colleges, this paper puts forward constructive suggestions on combining the advantages of curriculum setup in three kinds of colleges with the setting of Business English Curriculum in ordinary colleges and universities. Based on the basic skills of language, strengthen Business English, increase business professional bilingual and English courses to better achieve the goal of personnel training so that business English graduates in our school in the new century with more competitiveness and adaptability.
欢乐十一,永远值得期待的日子。伸出双臂,尽情挥舞,共迎国庆,共享精彩! 9月28日,继一周年庆轰轰烈烈胜利浩荡告捷之后,麦凯乐青岛总店国庆大酬宾提前上演,黄金周期间,麦凯乐
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一个年销售收入近10亿元的连锁集团,一个已在李村商圈成为龙头的商业企业,为何会成立名称已淡出历史多年的供销社?这是历史的倒退,还是匠心独具的“以退为进”? A chain of
目的探讨CT对胰腺实性—假乳头状瘤的诊断与鉴别诊断依据。方法回顾性分析经手术及病理证实的11例胰腺实性—假乳头状瘤的CT表现。结果 11例病灶中,囊性结构为主7例,囊、实结