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今年前10个月全省认真贯彻省委、省政府有关经济工作的各项方针和措施,广大干部和职工振奋精神,艰苦奋斗,全省国民经济整体运行良好。全省乡及乡以上工业总产值、地方财政收入、工商税收入库分别比上年同期增长13.45%、45.49%和39.12%;金融形势也好于往年,存款大幅度增长,贷款结构有所改善。从目前的进度和经济发展趋势看,全面完成今年的工交生产、财税任务是完全可能的。但是我们面临的任务仍然十分繁重,尤其是增、消两税任务的完成还有差距,扭亏增盈任务还相当艰巨。因此,各级、各部门决不能松劲,要继续努力,奋力拼搏,完成和超额完成今年的国民经济计划。1996年是“九五”计划的第一年,省委、省政府提出明年一季度全省工交生产、地方财政收入和工商税收要比今年一季度增长10%。因此,各级、各部门要结合本地、本部门的实际,紧紧围绕工作的难点和重点,对明年一季度工作早动员、早准备、早安排,重点抓好以下几方面的工作:一、早动员、早准备、早安排,确保省委、省政府提出的目标的实现。各级、各部门一定要进一步提高认识,深入学习贯彻党的十四届五中全会精神,要有紧迫感和责任感。从现在起早动员、早安排、早准备,特别要 In the first 10 months of this year, the province earnestly implemented the various policies and measures concerning the economic work of the provincial party committee and the provincial government. The majority of cadres and employees energetically inspired and worked hard, and the entire province’s national economy performed well as a whole. The total industrial output value, the local financial revenue, and the industrial and commercial tax revenues of the province’s rural areas and townships have increased by 13.45%, 45.49% and 39.12% respectively over the same period of the previous year; the financial situation is also better than in previous years, and the deposits have increased substantially, and the loan structure has improved. . Judging from the current progress and economic development trends, it is entirely possible to fully complete this year’s work-related production and fiscal and taxation tasks. However, the tasks we face are still very arduous. In particular, there are gaps in the completion of the task of increasing and eliminating taxes, and the task of turning deficits and increasing profits is still quite arduous. Therefore, all levels and departments must not be able to relax. We must continue to work hard and work hard to complete and exceed this year’s national economic plan. In 1996, the first year of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, the provincial party committee and the provincial government proposed that the province’s first-quarter production, local fiscal revenue, and industrial and commercial tax revenues should increase by 10% from the first quarter of this year. Therefore, all levels and departments must combine the actual conditions of local and local departments, closely focus on the difficulties and priorities of the work, and mobilize, prepare for, and arrange early as early as the first quarter of next year, focusing on the following aspects: 1. Early mobilization, early preparation, and early arrangement ensure the implementation of the goals set by the provincial party committee and the provincial government. All levels and departments must further raise their awareness. In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee, we must have a sense of urgency and responsibility. Early mobilization, early arrangement, early preparation, especially
各市人民政府、行署,各县(市)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,各高等院校: 省政府同意省经委、财政厅、纺织厅《关于全省纺织行业压缩淘汰落后棉纺能力实施方
90年代以来,一直处于低迷的茶叶市场已逐步升温,内销和出口全面回升。茶叶市场全面回升的原因: 一是由于加大了对茶文化的宣传力度,人们由往日钟情各类饮料转向品茗赏茶,茶