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大城市是国内各区域市场的制高点,对周边市场有较强的辐射带动能力。对众多新产品生产企业来说,能否使自身的产品成功登陆大城市并站稳脚跟,是关系到企业能否进一步壮大的关键。 一、要树立一面好旗。 所谓树一面好旗,就是要确立一个好的营销宗旨。 对外,它要能使顾客感到企业并非只为图利而来,而是真心实意想要满足消费者尚未得到充分满足的需求,提升他们的生活品质。有家企业在自己的广告条幅上用中间的大部分版面只写了“为人民服务”五个字,这面广告看似才思衰竭者的平庸之作,实际上所透出的营销宗旨却放射着大智慧的光芒。因为经商的最高境界就是在 Big cities are the commanding height of the domestic regional markets and have a strong radiation drive capability on the surrounding markets. For many new product manufacturers, the ability to make their own products successfully land in the big cities and gain a firm foothold is the key to whether the business can grow further. First, we must establish a good banner. The so-called tree a good flag, is to establish a good marketing purposes. Externally, it wants to make the customer feel that the company is not just for profit, but really want to meet the needs of consumers not yet fully meet their needs, improve their quality of life. A company in its own advertising banner with most of the middle of the layout only wrote “for the people” five words, this ad seemingly innocent people who failed, in fact revealed the purpose of marketing radiation The light of great wisdom. Because the highest level of business is here
1990年8月我们随水利部中小水电考察团去朝鲜考察。朝鲜的中小水电建设经验,可供我们借鉴。一、朝鲜对中小水电实行鼓励政策朝鲜中小水电的含意是:装机容量1000 August 199
恶性肿瘤化疗中 ,常伴有毒性反应 ,随着化疗药物剂量的增加 ,毒性反应亦增大 ,而肾损伤是其中之一。加强患者在化疗期间肾功能的监测 ,尽早发现肾损伤 ,及早采取措施 ,十分重
1990年8月珠江流域高温炎热,降雨稀少,江河水量偏枯,旱情严重,基本无台风影响。气候温度 1990年8月珠江流域出现大范围长时间的酷暑天气,许多地区日平均气温30℃以上,持续多
介绍了我国长江流域与排灌事业有关的过去与现在的情况以及三峡工程对该流域排灌事业所起的作用和影响;其中包括:流域现状,发展任务,关键工程,效果论述。 The past and curr
A time domain designing method is proposed for discrete Fourier transform(DFT) modulated filter banks(DFT-FBs) for application in multi-carrier transceiver syst
本文较系统地阐述了低水头水电站的防飞逸措施:泄水运行和设置尾水闸门的必要性和合理性。 This article systematically expounds the anti-drain measures of low head hy
小细胞肺癌 (SCLC)是肺癌中恶性程度高、转移早、预后差的一种全身性系统性疾病。一旦确诊 ,2 3以上已有广泛转移[1 ] ,因而手术切除几乎不可能。如未经治疗 ,局限型生存期
A single-stage flyback driving integrated circuit(IC) for light-emitting diodes(LEDs) is proposed. With an average primary-side current estimation and negative