苏丹项目:海外创业的典范 艰苦创业楷模 中苏友谊丰碑——在视察苏丹项目时的讲话

来源 :石油企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:koel
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作为中国企业挺进海外市场的典范,中国石油天然气集团公司承担的目前海外最大的苏丹项目,以其时间短、见效快、效率高、质量好引起了海内外的普遍关注。吴邦国副总理在视察了该项目之后,给予了高度评价并亲笔题了词。中央领导的关怀,不仅使正在海外艰苦创业的广大员工深受鼓舞,进一步坚定了实施“走出去”战略的信心和决心,也为正在深化重组改制中的国内石油、石化企业指明了一个学习的范例。为使广大读者能够全面了解苏丹项目的具体情况以及成功的经验,本刊编辑部策划了这组文章,愿广大读者及企业的决策者们能从中得到一些有益的启示。 As a model for Chinese enterprises to enter the overseas market, CNOOC Corporation, the largest overseas Sudanese project undertaken by China National Petroleum Corporation, has drawn widespread attention at home and abroad with its short time, quick response, high efficiency and good quality. After inspecting the project, Vice Premier Wu Bangguo spoke highly of the project and personally wrote the remark. The care of the central leadership not only greatly encouraged the vast number of employees who are making arduous pioneering efforts overseas, but also further strengthened their confidence and determination in implementing the strategy of “going global”. It also pointed out a learning point for the domestic oil and petrochemical enterprises that are deepening restructuring and restructuring example. In order to enable readers in China to fully understand the specific conditions of the Sudan project and their successful experiences, the editorial department of this magazine has planned this series of articles and is ready to benefit readers and business decision makers from this series of articles.
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