来源 :Journal of Hydrodynamics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hbchens
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Flow over a backward-facing step was studied to investigate the effect of large-scale vortex structures on sediment incipience. The transient flow velocity field at the downstream of the backward-facing step was obtained using the technique of Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV). The optical amplification technique was employed to measure the instantaneous flow velocities near the bed and the instantaneous bed shear stress was given. The experimental observations revealed a new insight into the oscillation of the large-scale structure and the three-dimensional characteristics of the flow. In particular,very high turbulence intensity,instantaneous horizontal velocity near the bed and the bed shear stress near the reattachment point were observed. The sediment incipient probability obtained from the sequent images of sediment particles near the bed indicates that the critical instantaneous shear stress of the sediment incipience is independent of flow conditions. Flow over a backward-facing step was studied to investigate the effect of large-scale vortex structures on sediment incipience. The transient flow velocity field at the downstream of the backward-facing step was obtained using the technique of Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV). The optical amplification technique was employed to measure the instantaneous flow velocities near the bed and the instantaneous bed shear stress was given. The experimental observations revealed a new insight into the oscillation of the large-scale structure and the three-dimensional characteristics of the flow. In particular, very high turbulence intensity, instantaneous horizontal velocity near the bed and the bed shear stress near the reattachment point were observed. The sediment incipient probability obtained from the sequent images of sediment particles near the bed indicates that the critical instantaneous shear stress of the sediment incipience is independent of flow conditions.
利民糖果厂是家老字号,它早年制作的“摇三摇多味糖豆”不仅口感好,包装设计也十分奇特:即在圆形糖果盒一端留有一个圆孔,只须垂直摇上几下,一粒糖豆便会掉出来,既卫生又好玩。此项产品70年代就备受小朋友们的青睐,还曾一度进入国际市场,生意十分红火。   商海风云变幻莫测,近几年国内同行为争夺市场,都在包装上煞费苦心,什么“手枪式”、“电筒式”、“动物式”、“魔术式”,应有尽有,相比之下,一副老面孔的“摇
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据悉,2009年末,129家中央企业拥有国有资本及权益为62 930.9亿元,比2003年国务院国资委成立时增加3.4万亿元,年均递增13.7%。而2010年1~7月份,中央企业累计实现营业收入91 458.1亿元,同比增长42.4%,已交税费总额7 919.1亿元,同比增长25.1%。  取得如此骄人战绩之时,国资委再次作出重大战略部署,于8月18日,在京召开电动车产业联盟大会,共计16家央企结
夏末秋初,蝈蝈脆脆的欢唱声,又挠痒了我家小女那颗童真贪玩的心。市场上的公子蝈儿们身价太高,于是,牵着小女的手,我们又回到老家的果园,那里有能挑着样儿捉的各色蝈蝈。   山野那茂盛的草木,那热闹非凡的鸟虫大合唱,仍掩盖不了蝈蝈的踪迹,很快,我们便有了追踪的目标。不过,蝈蝈更狡猾:靠近它时,它便噤声屏息,和你捉迷藏,稍稍远离它,它便一会儿声东,一会儿声西。好不容易将它骚扰出草丛,它又和你游击战,忽儿跳
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设计说明Design Notes“叶觞LeafD”是用于旅游区的观光车,采用租赁方式,可乘坐1-2人,为保证安全以及观光效果,最高车速限定为35km/h。“叶觞LeafD”造型灵感来源来自于叶子