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  [典型例题] 信息点:
  书名: Richards Future作者:Amy Lin, 美籍华人, 中文版:2014年初开始在中国销售
  信息表达:A book, Richards Future, written by Amy Lin, an AmericanChinese, has been sold in China since the beginning of 2014.
  (Richards Future 作a book的同位语, an AmericanChinese 作Amy Lin的同位语)
  Last term I participated in the “English Corner”, an organization that helps students improve their skills in oral English and written English.
  在呈现主题时要用到的词语有很多, 简单的有about, on, as to等,复杂的有concerning, regarding, with respect to等。
  [典型例题] 信息点:这次交流会引发了中美教育方式孰优孰劣的讨论。
  信息表达:The Exchange Conference has received a heated discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of Chinese and American educational ways.
  1. 翻译: 上周末我校在3500名学生中进行了有关“学习负担”的相关问题调查。
  Last weekend, a survey about “The Burden of Study” was carried out (conducted) among 3500 students in our school.
  2. 翻译: 最近, 你班就“高三学生是否需要锻炼来保持健康”展开了讨论。
  Recently we have had a discussion in a class meeting about whether Senior 3 students should take exercises to keep fit.
  在表达观点时可用短语如according to sb.(根据某人的看法),in my opinion / in my view(在我看来,我认为),from ones point of view(在某人看来),as far as Im concerned(对我而言), as for(至于……,就……而言)等, 也可用句型如sb. believes / thinks / claims,sb. told us that...,sb. pointed out that...(某人指出)等。
  [典型例題] 专家解读(王教授):沉溺于上网学生
  信息表达:According to Professor Wang, slightly more than half of the school children in our country are addicted to surfing the Internet, ranking first in the world.
  1. 翻译:我的看法是我们应保护自然资源,减少环境污染。
  In my opinion, we should try to protect natural resources and decrease environment pollution.
  2. 翻译:依我看, 合作需要有效的交流, 没有它人们会盲目地做事情。
  From my point of view, cooperation calls for effective communication, without which people will do things blindly.
  1. (1)70% of... (2)seventy percent of... (3)70 percent of the...(注意:考生最易漏用of)
  2. 其他一些关于比例的表达手段。如:
  (1)一半:half of the... =fifty percent of the...
  (2)四分之一(25%):a quarter of =25 percent of the...
  (3)四分之三(75%):three quarters of =75 percent of the...
  3. 分数表达法:分子是基数词, 分母是序数词。如:   或Due to the poor educational quality of some colleges, high tuition fees and difficult employment for college graduates, some colleges have become less attractive.
  1. such as / like / such...as...(后接名词、动名词, 不能接句子和动词原形)
  2. For instance, ... / For example, ...(前后有标点, 后接句子)
  3. Take sb. or sth. for example / Take sb. or sth. as an example(用于举一个例子)
  1. 翻译:很多中国学生面临很多体质问题,诸如肥胖、近视等。
  Many Chinese students are facing a number of physical problems, such as obesity, and shortsightedness, etc.
  2. 翻译:就拿我班的同学来说吧, 有些担心自己个子小, 有些为自己胖而苦恼, 其他同学因为自己不漂亮而沮丧。
  Take some of my classmates as an example. Some worry about their small size; some get annoyed that they are fat; and others are upset that they are not beautiful.
  写作是语言输出的一个重要过程,高效的语言输出源自于充分的语言输入。高考英语作文基本为几种固定的题材体裁,下面就几种典型的文章给大家提供一些示范内容。对于正反观点的文章,我们可以借鉴如下内容:Recently weve had a heated discussion on “...”. Opinions concerning this hot topic vary from person to person. / The majority of people hold the view that... / However, those who are against the idea maintain that... / From my perspective, I firmly support the idea that... 对于事物优缺点的文章我们可以借鉴以下内容:There is a widespread concern over the issue that “...”. / As the saying goes, “each coin has two sides”. / ...has both advantages and disadvantages. / Generally speaking, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. / The advantages can be listed as follows. / However, we cant be blind to the disadvantages it brings to us.
  对于看图作文我们可以参照如下内容:As can be seen from the picture, ... / As is vividly described in the cartoon, ... / The picture reflects a widespread phenomenon that..., which has raised public concern. / Simple as the picture is, the meaning it conveys is thoughtprovoking. / My suggestions on dealing with the problem are as follows: to begin with, its urgent to do sth. / More importantly, we cant emphasize the importance of doing sth. too much. / Finally we have to admit the fact that...
  1. 定语从句、非限制性定语从句:
  Those who disagree think it unnecessary to do sth.
  There are 50 students in our class, twothirds of whom are fond of music.
  Some students even turn a deaf ear to their teachers, which is very disappointing.
  2. 分词短语作后置定语:
  1) According to the figures shown in the table, we can see that...
  2) From the reasons listed above, we may draw the conclusion that...   3) There are several reasons accounting for this change.
  3. 名词性从句:
  1) There is a widespread concern over the issue that “...”(同位语从句)
  2) The picture reminds me of a common phenomenon that...(同位语从句)
  3) What I want to stress (主语从句)is that...(表语从句)
  4) The writer mainly tells us that...(宾语从句)
  4. 倒装:
  Only after we take effective measures to solve the problem can we have / embrace a promising future.
  So much homework did we have to do that we had no time to take a rest.
  By no means should we give up.
  5. it的用法
  1) As a matter of fact, we should keep it in mind that...(形式賓语)
  2) It is universally acknowledged that...(形式主语)
  3) It is your attitude towards it that matters.(强调结构)
  6. 被动语态:
  1) Students afterschool life can never be overlooked.
  2) After reading the story, I am deeply moved by the hero, who reminds me of...
  7. 谚语:
  1) As an old saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
  2) As the saying goes, “Teachers should not only pass on knowledge to students but also teach them how to study.”
  8. 状语从句:
  1) Simple as the picture is, the meaning it conveys is very thoughtprovoking.
  2) No matter how busy we are, we should spare some time to talk with our parents.
  9. 动名词短语作主语:
  1) However, keeping an eye on its negative aspects is a must.
  2) Taking part in all kinds of activities does good to us students.
  10. 省略形式:
  When asked about how long they spend on computers, many people admit that they spend too much time playing computer games.
  11. 并列句:
  1) Protect the environment, and we will have a harmonious society.
  2) One more step, and you will succeed.
  3) Work hard, or you will fall behind others.
一、听力  1. 预热考生在英语考试之前听10分钟左右的英语磁带。如果没有可能就读10~15分钟左右的英语课文,这叫“英语热身”。这样考试时就可迅速进入英语思维。利用试音时间,熟悉朗读者的语音语调,集中注意力,稳定情绪,尽快进入英语测试状态。  2. 读题利用听录音前的时间,迅速地捕捉每小题题干选项所提供的信息,预测短文或对话可能涉及到的内容,这样听录音材料时就会有的放矢,有所侧重,提高答题的准确
数学归纳法是用来证明与自然数有关命题的方法,基本过程是:设P(n)是关于自然数n的命题,若1.P(n0)成立(奠基);2.假设P(k)成立(k≥n0),可以推出P(k 1)成立(归纳),则P(n)对一切大于等于n0的自然数n都成立.在高考中,主要考查用数学归纳法证明恒等式、不等式、数的整除性、几何中的计算、数列的通项与求和等问题.  在应用数学归纳法证明时,一般说来,第一步验证比较简明,而第二步归
几何概型是一个重要的概率模型,由几何概型的概率公式可以知道,确定几何区域的测度是至关重要的.因此,我们要掌握几种常见测度的几何概型,举一反三,做到真正地掌握几何概型的概率求法.下面我们就介绍几种常见测度的几何概型.  一、长度型几何概型  例1已知函数f(x)=log2x,若在[1,8]上任取一个实数x0,则不等式1≤f(x0)≤2成立的概率是.  解析:区间[1,8]的长度为7,满足不等式1≤f
【摘 要】 农业科研院所是农业科研单位在长期发展过程中形成、积累、提炼而形成的一套优良作风、行为方式及价值观念,在推动院所发展中起着十分重要的作用。为进一步发掘、总结、提炼我院创新文化内涵,使之更加符合科研院所发展的要求,营造浓厚的科技创新氛围,推动建设国内一流强院建设目标的顺利完成,我们在全院开展了此项调研。  【关键词】 农业科研院所;创新文化;调研报告  中图分类号:E223
一、单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)  1. you are interested in something, your brain is more active is just a theory.  A. What ifB. That if  C. WhenD. Unless  2. The Chinese capital has a basic outline which say
【摘 要】 疫情之后,各地经济复苏,本文主研究解决农村电商资源信息封闭、供需关系混乱、产品流通阻滞、销售渠道单一、产品安全追溯等系列问题,帮助农户打造一款多元化、科学、有效的一体化综合服务平台,促进农村农业发展,使农业资源配置更加合理,为乡村振兴战略的实施提供技术支持和信息保障。  【关键词】 乡村振兴;农村电商;互联网“ ”  中图分类号:F326.6 文献识别码:A 文
一  西藏6名教师获“马云乡村教师奖”  腊八之夜,“若有光芒,必有远方”——第二届“马云乡村教师奖”颁奖典礼在三亚香格里拉酒店隆重举行。  来自13省区市100位优秀乡村教师,每人获得10万元奖金。为了表示对这些坚守一线的乡村教师的尊重和欢迎,除了100名获奖的乡村教师,马云今年继续邀请各路明星前来为乡村教师助阵;到最后,甚至自己上台和宋小宝合演小品,通过自己的方式为长期坚守在教学一线的乡村教师
一、填空题  1.集合{-1,0,1}共有个子集.  2.已知集合A={0,2,a2},B={1,a},若A∪B={0,1,2,4},则实数a的值为.  3.已知f(x3)=lgx(x>0),则f(4)的值为.  4.若集合P={x|33,则方程x3-ax2 1=0在(0,2)上恰有个实根.  12.若f(x)是定义在R上的函数,对任意实数x都有f(x 3)≤f(x) 3和f(x 2)≥f(x)